On New Year’s Eve, many people across the state of California witnessed strange lights and craft in the sky. Witnesses in Auburn, California saw a large egg-shaped object with a bright light slowly cruising across the sky before suddenly accelerating at a high rate of speed. Others witnesses in the Sacramento area saw bright lights in a triangular formation. The same “orb triangle” UFOs were also witnessed in Los Angeles the very same night.
Navy pilot Alex Dietrich recounts her 2004 encounter with a Tic Tac-shaped UFO—an unexplained moment… Read More
Major Jesse Marcel exposed the Roswell cover-up, revealing strange, unbreakable debris. Was it extraterrestrial? Uncover… Read More
Nick Pope reveals shocking UFO secrets, government cover-ups, and the potential reality of alien contact.… Read More
The Battle of LA, Roswell, and Rendlesham Forest—real UFOs or secret experiments? Explore the theories… Read More
Was the Area 51 caller on Art Bell’s show a real whistleblower or a hoax?… Read More
Richard Dolan uncovers USO hotspots, military encounters, and theories on mysterious objects emerging from our… Read More
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People need to get ready for contact with our new friends coming from outer space. More sightings will be coming more often.
nothing but those flying lanterns!
I know they are out there, and I don't care if you think I,m crazy or not. Who or where do you think we came from? We were put here not by a God like we think of him, but by aliens as we call them. We are them, they are us. We are one.
You are confused and that's the way the powers that be like it. Don't be taken in by all this aliens are our creator B.S. If they are out there they just a bunch of slackers who happen to be a century or two ahead of us in technology.... not gods.<br />
From all the footage I have seen, based on the movement "patterns", size, duration etc, I believe these to be items know as "Sky Lanterns" or something extremely similar. I have sent many of these in the air with family over the last few years during family gatherings at our farm pond. Depending on air flow, they can either go straight up, or drift up to a number of miles away
That may be true, but can lanterns speed up to an accelerating rate of speed, then slow down again on a dime. No, I don't think so. Not even the air flow can make something do that. Maybe you need to open your mind a little more and just accept the fact that UFO's are real.
I saw 6 military fighter jets fly over at this same time New Year's morning headed towards March AFB. Their exhaust burning bright orange as they went through numerous up & down maneuvers kind of like what these reports say. I heard that the FAA was not aware of any activity but I live near Burbank, CA airport and they had to know because those jets were flying in commercial air space.
T shirt weather in Northern Cal. in dead of winter love it.
Why do you guys even get on this site? I mean if you cant have an open mind why even go her? Is it because you want to see one? Well nows a good time if you live in california. Because ufos are all over the place right now for some reason. But, you have to be out late. Like after midnight like on New years eve. thats why there were so many sightings. I wanted to see them too. So I started looking
In my opinion the majority of the population now days are either medicated, intoxicated or high on something. Clear thinking rational minded people with open minds, healthy minds, with i.q. in excess of 90 are becoming dinosaurs. Why any sophisticated society with high intelligence would want to contact a race of simple minded vermin infested baboons living in squalor here is, well, the reason
i don't drink or take drugs and i am a clear-headed young 47 year old. i or you cannot begin to rationalize why an ET race would want to make contact with us. all i know is that the 4 ufo's i've seen in my lifetime were chosen by those ET's to "allow" me to witness them. i can't prove it, have only one witness and know what i saw and believe. et's and ufo's
Yes Janet they here and they want to help
Yeah right! In your dreams. If they wanted to help and were above board with nothing to hide, they would land and show themselves.
Keep in mind that there is a small cadre of federally funded professional debunkers who seek out UFO reports and fill comment boards with nonsensical explanations; if those don't work, they turn to profanity or lewd remarks.
people react that way to me on here all the time. when they run out of things to say they start to swear and use lewd remarks, just like you say. that's why comments are allowed here, to SPECULATE.
They are here they watching on us and they dont like why wars on earth for what?? for nothing ? They are here for Peace on Earth they have telepatic ability and they choose people to make contact check my Real Contact on YouTube : theyhere2012 belive me to all people on Earth this is real proof video just check!!!