Alien Civilization Makes Contact!

On August 16, 2001, a crop formation appeared overnight in front of the Chilbolton Radio Observatory in England. It was a clear response to the Arecibo Message which was sent into space by Carl Sagan and Nasa in 1974.
It seems impossible that people could have made such large and complex formations so perfectly in the dark of one night. On top of that, scientific analysis of the crops showed that they had not been pushed down with blunt force as you would expect in a man-made design. Rather, the bottom nodes of the stalks had been heated via some form of focused radiation so that they wilted over and strangely, came to rest at a 90 degree angle.
Most people will have a skeptical reaction to their appearance, as it so closely resembles the typical “grey” alien dipicated in so many movies. But it is worth noting: That image was not the product of Hollywood’s imagination. Just like the “flying saucer”, the description originally came from people who claimed to have seen them first hand. Hollywood took that description and sensationalized it for their own purposes.
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  • this is the proof that they are transmiting something ou warning something. i think they are afraid of showing off because of our reaction or if we will attack them!

    • Read about the shape ''Torus'' it is all the flat design of the Torus Energy flow ... Also called free energy technology ... Hihly abondened, all those who invent such things as '' Magnet rotated engine'' those run on low voltage while it store's tripple energy on the side ... These things get people killed buy oil company's ... And I could go on and on

    • Hi Joe! <br /><br />Just wanted to say that i agree with most of what you say though id like you to be a bit more &quot;soft&quot; in your approach to the &quot;Fen church people, pathetic Fen liars...&quot;. I agree with what you say about religion but please be nice. They have their belief and we another.<br /><br />Anyway! Good post and take care!<br /><br />/Andrew2

    • I have been doing my own research on a lot of different so called conspiracy theories. I have gathered that most of these occurrences probably have happened. I have also come to believe strongly that most have happened in order to achieve the same outcome. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle of reality waiting to reveal it&#39;s truth to both the Enlightened and the Ignorant. You choose

    • To anonymous 12:45...<br />You sound like you have done your homework and learned of different theories. But what you didn&#39;t learn was the English language. Was difficult to understand you at times. Please check your grammar. Also, all these spirituals you say have practiced, have gone out the window since you sound so hostile. Please check your buddism.

  • My hats off to the investigators with enough mind to apply detailed info, then put it in English!WOW! A multitude of heart-felt THANKS!

    • Figures a non-believer would make a comment like this. Get with it DUDE, this is real!!

    • You as a non-believer, you are a load of bollocks. This is all real DUDE. Get your head out of where the sun don&#39;t shine and wake up to the facts!!!


    • Hey ladies and gentlemen they are real and that is the truth as i have seen the triangle shapes and the aliens themselves and if the people don&#39;t believe then that is your fault - the government is in contact with the aliens in exchange for technogly so they abduct people and cattle ---strange yes but true . keep your eyes open and just look and it will show it&#39;s self

    • If you don&#39;t think this is real, then ask yourself who could do this? Certainly not humans, especially not in one night, it isn&#39;t impossible, however think about it... Why? To get attention? there is a certain reason and why, or HOW would farmers crop this Arecibo Message (sent into space by Carl Sagan and Nasa in 1974) into their farm. Plus it is exactly the same but with

    • Statistically speaking it is nearly impossible for aliens not to exist but multiple species is in interesting concept the messages science is correct only a student that had a computer the size of a corn field could make that code that is unlikely

    • Yep still Bollocks guys! <br /><br />Doesn&#39;t mean aliens don&#39;t exist, but anyone who thinks an advanced civilisation would pick such an obscure and abstract way of simply saying hi has bollocks for brains.<br />It&#39;s humans messing around in a field with planks and ropes.

    • Well said BIG Adolph......this used to be a decent site but seems to have attracted a few fruitcakes recently.

    • Weirdly when our crop circle appeared in 2009 the field later was tapped of a huge pocket of natural gas. We know there is ground penetrating technology at the disposal of anyone with enough money to use it. So why are we so sure it&#39;s not the oil and gas companies looking for oil and gas?

    • I agree with Big Adolph. It&#39;s noty that I think that we are alone in the Universe, but if these Aliens are so smart, why are they messing around with crop circles. Maybe it&#39;s Alien Kids messing with us, or doodling, or a bunch of earth kids jerking our chains. Crop circles are dangled before us like a giant carrot and somebody is having a good laugh!

  • this communication was 10 years ago, if it was truly a monumental step to aliens, why haven&#39;t similar contacts occurred in this decade? this was also a month before 9/11, when a cascade of wars, austerity and spending in our economy began to take place... 10 years and 5 wars later, what good was that warning?

    • Good point! The warning should typically have been given to the Indians before the white man came with his false gifts and empty promises.

  • The British are aware of 47 different species in the heavans, nothing like a 10 year old story to say, &quot;Hey, that looks like a GREY&quot; ... yeah, thats 1. 46 more to go.

  • i feel so much reliefe<br /><br />the chances that we&#39;re alone, are the same as everything is colonised - same

  • i think, that there are some &quot;good&quot; aliens that are trying to warn us about something that might happen. especially from what the scientists broke down from the binary code. if someone had the time and the stealthiness AND the motive to do some crazy ass crop circle thing like this then i applaud them. but if not its like WTF? how do you even explain that

    • dude im with you. their is no way us humans can do this in one night, maybe usa goverment has some sort of et equipment, if not it is most definatly a message from space. i have always believed my whole life and still will to the day i die. .WE ARE NOT ALONE. theirs parts of this ocean and earth and even underground that we as humans will have never and will never see, e.g the depth of the ocean.

  • I am surprised at some of the comments. Could anyone in the night get into this field and start to create or design something detailed like this. Which art students could do anything like this and finish in the dark night, wake up and seriously start thinking. Are you so behind time. This is something out of this world, more advanced and the form of communication is completely different

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