A man from Randlelt, Washington claims to have felt a beam of bright white light on himself while observing a disc-shaped UFO. This case has been logged in Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness says that he saw the mysterious UFO hovering approximately 1,500 feet in altitude while projecting a light towards the ground.
According to the witness, the incident happened on November 25, Tuesday around 6:55 pm while he was outside to check the water level of a creek since there was a flood warning in their area that time.
The witness says that the UFO was very quite. He only heard the sound of the creek water coming to him. He used his flashlight by moving it from side to side while looking south trying to get a clear look of the water when he saw a ravishing light from the southwestern sky.
The witness then attempted to find the source of the bright white light, but he was amazed to see a round object moving without sound. The strange flying object was approximately 1,500 feet away from the witness with the bottom pointing towards him.
The witness describes the object’s edges as softly rounded, like a thin inner tube. Excluding the edges, the entire bottom of it was lit up. He explains that the light was like a big spot light, the beam widened around him and narrowed from the object. In less than a second, the beam of light was shut off, and the witness saw the bottom of the object still lit up. The witness observed the unusual object while it hovered.
The witness further says that the object suddenly disappeared in just a matter of seconds. The object made a reappearance in the northern sky, behind the mill, in approximately three to four seconds after it disappeared, the witness states. He further reveals that he heard a big boom sound along with brilliant blue light that lit up the sky from one side to the other side of the valley.
Washington region has 12 UFO sighting reports in October 2014 alone, making this case not new to everyone especially people living in the area.
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Maybe whatever it was,thought he was signaling with his flashlight.
I have often wondered why there are no sonic booms reported after people see UFOs take off at enormous speeds.
Are they really in our atmosphere or another demension?
I believe these vehicles have the ability to disappear without disturbing the atmosphereand ttherefore no sonic boom.
Me and my neighbors have seen objects like this on a reoccurring basis in Washington state. My neighbor even has pictures. If you google "Insitu wins potentially lucrative contract from Special Ops Command". You will understand the program and flight paths and realize what is really going on. MUFON is well aware of it also.
I believe they have the ability to leave no sonic boom. They have the ability to control the atmosphere around their vehicles.
Always amazes me, Anyone with a mobile phone taking pictures of everyday occurrences and they generally ALL come out, visible. Every UFO / USO is blurred, fogged, misty with never any definite lineage, in fact most posts of UFO's are from someone who's imagination went for a joy ride, or someone who is so frustrated of not being able to actually witness one, simply make one up to satisfy him/herself. C'mon people, if you believe, make sure you have some sort of modern camera with you, not some kind of camera from the 70's!!
And what do YOU think? All that is just not more than fairy tales?
In your so called perception, which is very different to any one living being, you do claim things from which you have not even the smallest knowledge, but you to call them as 'knowledge' anyway???
WHICH knowledge, I would ask you.
WHAT knowledge - I am strong for to ask you - LOOSERS ?
Tell me only ONE of your honoured behaviours - and I will be with you.
Despite of that - to those shadows, those living beings who are not more than lousy shadows, always looking at the actual 'hype', presented by their 'device', which was be able to FADE YOU OUT from REALITY, you - as the stupid sheep - call yourself more than ready to follow whatever yor smartphone tells to you.
Beings, who complain the governments but in same time do consciously IGNORE the reality which even surrounds you.......
Poor beings all along the way.......
To follow 'something' which in reality means to the personal GOING DOWN..........
All the precious souls I do see, I please you to stay strong.
I am with you as in all times before, I do see you and to feel you.
With me there are some beings from what you would call the 'Heaven'.
Whatever YOU would like to think - you are at lost.
Not that you were lost at all, but you give a SHIT on any of so called 'higher' messages.
In your blindness, to follow the models of 'money' in which you agree to follow, you - in the outcome, will not more than a slave in all your perception, which is nothing more than your earlier lousy given agreements...........
So - the world shows its behaviour due to YOUR interventions.
And - IF there were and ARE no any interventions, then the 'governments' will go on with their lousy games and lies, to bring you down.
Just to think about: WHY does the 'money' - depicted by some coloured sheets of paper, does always 'fall' against the wellknown force of gravitation?
How is it possible to blame the world with known rules but in same time to convince you the opposite???
Are you ALL too stupid to see reality?
To exchange your 'former' views with another 'reality' - a stupid and even expensive device called 'Smart Phone'???
Where everything will be decided INSTEAD of yourself????
Where will you as a living human be left???
As a lonely soul, only depend on any of the virtual incomings, I do see you at lost.
I see you walking alone, not speaking personally with any human who crosses your way. And you even top this so strange and cold behaviour: You simply use the headphones, ideally plugged in into your 'soap-box', able to switch you completely OUT from the reality.
Idiots, who in just a moment can be able to hit some very innocent souls and hit them down by dirty hits.........
But YOU do feel well anyway??????
Listen: A soul which even have lost his true values like Love nad Truth, they cannot have any 'hope' of forgiveness in the view of higher relams.
And for all those idiots who feel strong enough anyway to complain:
YOU ALL will fall down, not only that you will fall down, you even fall down onto a state likewise below the 'lowest state of being'. so to say.
That' THE a place which you do know well.
To only see your 'own plate' it is your tiny lousy excuse.
Those idiots, who claim to be strong by sitting on their massive asses when sitting on the sofa, feel themselves strong enough to judge the world, even when they MISS even the tiniest effort to just show the personal power in reality, YOU, tell me the situations where you have NOT just been the weak shadows but the strong humans in same strong love, CAN YOU???
Otherwise do leave me alone, lousy sheep, I tell you.
Because you have done nothing, except to increase your payload of guilt.
And that is what you are: Guilty souls, even when gifted with true love and truth in their birth, they have 'forgotten' those precious values, to actually be focused on their 'own advantages' - grounded on lousy momey and nothing else.
YOU ALL do really piss me off, because I do know the higher realm of truth including LOVE, which OU have no tiny idea of, meanwhile you are hypnotized to simply forget the truth.
So I do see you walking around, senseless, lonely, always staring at the screen of their smartphone, which as god-like, helps you in any situation......
In some kinds it reminds me the science-fiction film:
Soylent Green
It may be worth for you to watch that video.
And after watching, you may ask yourself again, who I am and what is is going on here?
I leave you alone now, to remind you to your OWN real living, your soul-content, as it can be like: Why I am here and why I do need to go those strange ways................I am in love...... at least I WAS......... What has happen here in this world that it was even able to make me loose my own love???
Always connected with you, Gerd