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Report UFO sighting #207

Your UFO reports: 20th June – 18th July 2015
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
New Delhi, India – 19 July 2015
Okay so i am a boy who lives in NEW DELHI INDIA …and at around 8:20 p.m 19 July 2015 i was on the roof of my house …and then suddenly out of no where a redish orange dot appeared high up in the night sky which was not blinking nor had other lights around it moving slowly …..which was quite alow for an aeroplane ….it was moving slowly and then suddenly it disappeared and reappeared little forward …now with general observation of speed it reappeared a bit farther than what its spped should have taken it…..i suspect it was an UFO ….i googled about it “flying object with red light only” and the results and videos and images had the same rediah orange dot moving slowly …it was a single dot and it was in the sky for around 5 minutes then it disappeared
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Brooklyn, New York – JUNE 17TH 2015
AVENUE U OVER EAST 3RD OR EAST 4TH ST. Will someone with the right equipment please zoom in on
this video and let me know if this was a drone a UFO or maybe a blimp. While recording the object that was turning colors red orange and white. A smaller white object appeared this smaller white object was not visible to the naked eye.
Youtube video link:
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berry hill road near the sarah lee plant, millers and my neighborhood – 7/10/15 – 7/14/15
So about 4 days ago my mom told me to look up there was a wierd pattern in the sky we saw a opening in the clouds with a very big white dot the middle of the opening of the sky with a very smaller dot beside of it (it looked like stars) we saw it near berry hill road and it followed us bit it still was in the opening  then when we got to millers it went behind the clouds a little but still see able but when we got home o saw the little dot zoom across the sky and (we have a wooded back yard I posted a picture to show were it was) it zoomed passed the trees and then you can practically see a outline of a round circle and it slowed down and started to watch us in the middle of the circle it was a red open circle I pulled my phone wanting to take a photo but my phone died but it was getting lower and lower so I closed the car door and tryed to get my mom that was watching it (also other cars in my neighborhood stoped and watched it from the street) to come inside but it turned 90* and
went near the carport where me and my mom where standing but when I got my step father to come out side it got higher and left
Someone please tell me what I saw that day because im kinda scared that I was going to get abducted that day
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Calgary, Alberta – july 6, 2015
so i was watching the news and they were doing a story about some guy doing a stunt for his company. he tied up 120 helium balloons to a lawn chair and flew into the air. at the end of the clip i noticed something in the air. im thinking it might be a stranded balloon but the movement looks a bit fishy in the 30 second clip they got. also the object looked black and not colorful like the huge ballons. the company is called All Clean Natural. parts of the 2:43 min clip is what was shown on the new.
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Campbell Town, Sydney, Australia – 04/07/15
UFO checking out chemtrail, moving away and disappearing, al within a couple of seconds.
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Sandusky , Ohio. 44870 – 7-4-2015
Seen lights and videos… Cannot explain
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Colima Volcano Mexico – 04-07-2015
Thanks to the cameras record was Achieved a cigar UFO on the Colima volcano in mexico , Apparently the object is large , similar to other UFO That I was Introduced into the Popocatepetl volcano , continuous UFO activity in volcanoes.
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New Delhi, India  – 3 July 2015
On 03 July 2015 (Friday): At around 10:20PM. I was watching TV with my friends and I noticed small light in sky. We ran out to catch a glimpse of it and I realized it’s not a normal plan. The object was moving slowly from West/North to South East, it look pretty much like a light ball with light glowing. I was pretty sure that it’s not a normal airplane because there is fly zone far from that area and we see many flight flying every day but the strange thing is I have never seen any flight flying in that particular direction. I know how the plane looks in night, it has light beaming on the wings and you can assume the shape with their light but that object was completely different, it appears to be round shape with strong light glowing all around it. Me and one of my friend captured in our mobile but since we are using Iphone 4s which doesn’t allow zoom option, we can’t able to zoom in. I also capture one picture. I don’t know whether this object is alien craft or extraterrestrial but I am pretty sure it is way beyond human made.
Youtube video link:
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New Zealand, Asburton, South Island – 2 July 2015 7pm.
Hey we found this on our camera when we got home. Is it Aliens as it sure looks like it to me. We have two photos taken one second apart. The middle photo is a close up. This was taken in New Zealand, Asburton, South Island, 7pm.
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Boys and girls club,Laguna canyon road,Laguna beach California – June 6th till July 16th 2015
There is to many to count so here is one from last night,little small blue lights pulling a 20ft (in diameter)container into the sky.This also happens during the day and night,and as I am writing this, I need help documenting this, no one believes me,there is way way way more to tell and things I cannot describe in words for anyone to understand,MUST SEE FOR YOURSELF!
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Los chavez, New Mexico – July 1 2015
Hi. So heres my experience me and my hubby heard a strange noise outside is sounded like a wissel and a helicopter but not as loud I seen 2rings Both with green neón lights around it and a red blinking light I have a photo i made because i couldn’t find anything like it.
The only difference in the photo is the lights were neon green.  I was hoping u can help me identifying it.
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Canada – July 1st 2015
Canada Day, I was sitting on my balcony waiting for the fireworks to start over the water.  Turned out the fireworks got canceled due to dry season conditions. I had my camera setup and I was messing around taking a few shots of Venus and Jupiter when I something I’ve never seen before. Three flying objects in the air towards my direction. Eventually 2 went left and one went right over my building.
I have 74 photos on my computer, I can send u them all.
I am honestly still questioning what I saw that night…
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Sherborne Dorset north of the town along main road – 24th June 2015
What looked like a signalling beam or torch beam moving over a large area of field. Moving fast, then slow in a circular swooping sequence. It was in the cloud and mint green. Fading, then returning to bright as it moved. The beam wasn’t coming from the ground, it moved erratically but over the same spot for hours. In the cloud directly above it large pulsating beams of light in the same mint green colour moved in fast sequence like a laser show or strobe light. They vibrated and darted across each other then faded before reappearing at random in different sequences all the while the beam below in the lower part of the cloud continued to swoop round in its patch. It was as if the beams above were signalling to the orb below. This was all in a thick cloud and as the cloud moved south and the clear night sky became visible, the light beams moved with it, travelling in the cloud. It was silent, no noise at all. Sadly no film as I couldn’t capture it in the poor light. With the cloud coverage and no street lights you couldn’t see on camera.
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East los Angeles – 6/24/2015
I spotted two red orbs, one after the other.i Posted them on youtube. Please click on the link to view –
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east Ayrshire, Scotland – 23 June 2015
Pictures were taken last night at 11pm in east ayrshire scotland
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New Oxford, Pennsylvannia – 6-22-2015
Looking out my bedroom window while watching tv. The clock was at 6:34 p.m. when I saw a white cigar shaped object with a black middle  flying southwest.  I saw the same type object in May  on the 12th.
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Thornton co – 19 June 2015
A whole fleet of orbs and two metal objects what is really going on out here we’re living a lie.
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Ponce, Puerto Rico – 15 junio 2015
At 1045 about 3000 feet triangular shape
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Erwin, North Carolina – 25 May 2015
This past memorial day,evening around 1am I noticed this and recorded w my cell phone a object in the sky.It blinked multiple colors,it moved oddly side to side,eventualy a 2nd light appeared red beside the first.That was last monday,we witnessed similar events the following 2 nights.objects seen in the west low to the horizon.
Youtube video link:
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Netherlands, Rotterdam – 27-09-2014
It was like a fireball at the speed like a helicopter, only nog sound. And it was shape shifting from Ball to sigar shape .look at the photos. It lasten 2 minutes or so.
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just above us to west above Niangua bridge, camdenton, MO – past 8 years…different witnesses, different sightings…nightly at times….
two that scared me…there was one, then two and then three rectangular sights in the sky….they were in a triangle, then they zoomed away…..minutes later they zoomed right above us  by Hwy 5 N….all in a row…my grandson and I just stared…then I said wow…..we sat and watched….they finally minutes..minutes later zoomed off… alot of people have seen these here and I reported but no one would listen on radio stations around area……then the weirdest was my son yelled..OMG…come here…quick…Hurry…you won’t believe this…I ran from the husband ran from the bed, banging himself in panic, and there it was…right above Niangua Bridge N. 5…a total, I swear to God, Jellyfish looking UFO in the sky…we said nothing and then two jets, probably guessing from Ft. Leonard wood came zooming by….ufo gone they chased out of sight..period…..
I have seen and I can say dozens have seen…..but no one will listen as far as radio……….wow….blue still to dashing off to total rectangular..but the total jellyfish one….how can people ignore our reports?
I am not afraid………..but my best witness is alot!!!!!!!!!
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Desert between Yuba Lake and Gunnison. – 15 yrs ago is all I can remember.
I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen something like me and my daughter and Grandkids. While driving south past Yuba lake we seen a ball of light over the west hills. I thought it was a sunset but the ball stayed for miles. Then it turned up on it’s end, I still don’t know how a ball can turn into a wheel with spokes. Somethings started shooting out of the spokes and one came toward us. It went over my Blazer with a Big Black Jet looking plane chasing it. There was no sound and it didn’t even shake the vehicle. We were so scared we hurried home shut the curtains and all the lights. The next night as we were coming home from Richfield heading east we seen a ball of light over the Mountains just like before. My Daughter and Grand kids remember it.
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Gibsonville NC 27249 – In the late 1980’s
At the time i was living with my mother in Burlington NC.  I worked in Gibsonville NC where i live now.  As i was getting in my car i looked up over my house i saw a bright star.  As i stared at it it changed to a cross.  It moved up and down.  I pulled out of my drive headed for work.  It followed me.  I said out loud, “if you are a ufo changed again’, It then changed again into a cross.  This happen for 11 miles.  As i got to the 4 way stop sign in Gibsonville NC i saw it.  It was very close and big.  I looked around and said where is everyone, and do they see what i see (out loud).  I then looked up right over my car and saw a very big round thing right over my car.  It had lights (red and white) going all around it.  There was no sound.  It seemed to be about 6 feet over my car.  The next thing i knew it was gong, just gone.  I drove to work-parked-and there it was over to the side over the building.  I got out and went in.  I told a coworker and she said lets go out and see it.
we went out and it was still there.  She went back in and called the police.  Everyone who knew about it came out and saw it.  The police came and took a report from me.  He also called the Greensboro airport and there was no air anything out over that area at that time.
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