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Report UFO sighting #208

Your UFO reports: 18th July June – 8th August 2015
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Fremont, ca – 8/6/15
I have been looking at the night sky every clear night since I was about 10. Just now I went outside and looked to the north and saw two stars stacked vertically in the sky about a hand-spread down from the “W” of the constellation Cassiopeia and a hand-spread to the right of the star Polaris. The uppermost star was brighter than the lowermost one. The uppermost looked like a planet…not twinkling as stars do. Neither of these stars should have been there. Additionally, this is no where near the plane of the ecliptic…so there could never be a planet there. Neither of these two “stars” were moving AT ALL! Then I looked away from them for a moment. When I looked back BOTH WERE GONE…completely gone. I have never seen anything like this. These things were solid in the sky. The were immediately apparent as out of place…then they just disappeared
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Miami Florida – Aug 6, 2015
Polymorphic Anomaly, Amazing, 8/6/15
In the same way that stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight any small object in the atmosphere is also masked. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion, so scanning the sky in the infrared or in the short radio wave(radar) portion of the spectrum is a lot more effective than scanning the sky in visible light. Dual optical systems exploit this fact. Dual optical systems are to anomalies what microscopes are to microorganisms.
After observing anomalies systematically the idea that they are living beings is a natural one.
Some anomalies respond with bright flashes to direct light signals in daylight or at night. Some anomalies had responded by morphing into digit shapes correlated to the signals sent to them.
From a scientific point of view the strongest possible evidence for any fact or theory is observational data consistent/recurrent across multiple independent observers, anomalies have plenty of that, so the reality of anomalies is based on very solid scientific grounds, the fact that this reality have not been acknowledged still by “scientific circles” is really irrelevant, they will be forced to recognize that sooner or latter in the same way that the Church was forced to recognize the heliocentric worldview.
Seeing UFOs as “crafts” is a myth nurtured by people expectations and media abuse of that expectation. There is also a widely believed myth of only or bigger nighttime UFO activity.
The time of calling UFOs to glowing dots in a black background without knowing the structure behind the dot is long gone, but old habits dye hard and many people still do that keeping the myth alive.
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east los angeles – 08/05/2015 11:35 pm
I was hanging out in the backyard of a friend’s house and while I was peeing on a corner something caught my attention in the sky. I saw a blue light with green in the middle and was flying quick down to the horizon of the earth. Did not see much only about 4 sec. Before it vanished into horizon. i was facing westward when this happened (towards downtown los Angeles) it had a blue aura around it.
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Wesley chapel, North Carolina – 08/05/2015
Triangular shaped aircraft with distinctive lights on the ends with light in middle of aircraft, lights were blinking. Was driving home from work around 9pm when I saw a really bright light in the distance. Thought it was a planet but then it moved a little across the road in front of me and I realized it was an aircraft of some kind. I assumed it was a plane but it didn’t seem to be getting closer or further away. When I drove further it crossed the road again and I was close enough to make out the light pattern and see the a dark, triangular silhouette against the dark sky. The oddest part was it didn’t make any noise, nor did it move. I was able to overtake it when passing by in my car and had to look behind me at one point while driving to see it was in fact not moving. Looked like a classic triangular UFO. This skeptic became a believer…
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Longmont, Co – 8/4/2015
If you look at both pictures there is a white “dot” which when you zoom in has shape and a line through the middle, one is on the left side of the sun and the next is on the right. These were taken about 15 seconds apart and both have the same exact shape.
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Newport Beach CA – August 3, 2015
This video covers the case study and analysis of the flying “Humanoid UFO” recorded over my apt in Newport Beach California.
We applied digital filters and motion tracking to the recording to maximize the ufo features and examine it’s humanoid like qualities.
The object was flying vertically and fast when recorded. I could see it clearly in the viewfinder. The camera was sitting still on a tripod. The ufo appeared to be a flying humanoid type object. It had a round head, two eyes, upper body and legs. It looked like it was running in the sky.
The ufo had repeated flashes on either side and was activating the flashes by triggering some mechanism on itself.
Given the unique nature of the ufo sighting I felt it needed to be further studied, re-analyzed and presented for review.
Youtube link:
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Killarney Vale NSW heading from the west to south – 6.30 pm 2 August 2015
Was a big red ball thought it was some thing on fire. Watched it cross along the sky line to see if it dropped but just kept drifting across the sky until I couldn’t see it any longer. Was amazing couldn’t believe what l saw. Wow was to afraid to run in side to get camera.

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Rolling Meadows, Illinois – 31 July 2015
Yesterday over Rolling Meadows, Illinois around 2pm a big round transparent UFO was a hundred feet from me, when I took out my phone it took off. April 30th 2015 2pm
Youtube video link:


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Elk Grove / Sacramento Delta I-5 NORTHBOUND near Hood Franklin exit – Wednesday, July 29th, 2015
While driving northbound on I5 in the Elk grove ares at just about 8pm, my friend and I noticed at nearly the exact same time a round, reflective shape in the sky to the left of the freeway. It looked like the reflection off of a dome or circular shape object, and was relatively close to the fields it was hovering over, lower than a helicopter. The object lowered then seemed to move around in an odd motion for about 30 seconds to a minute just before shooting straight up and disappearing.


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Coachela, California – 29 July 2015
at 10:25 pm. Youtube video link:


Morgantown, WV – 28 July
pictures we took in Morgantown WV on July 28 th around 10 pm


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Orange ,Virginia – 7/28/2015
Around 4 pm on the eve of the 28th of july 2015 , i saw a strong thunderstorm in the distance but noticed 4 to 5 little black dots flying in in out of the storm one was very noticeable in the orginal pic but then when i blew it up you notice more please take a look at my photos


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Loomis, CA – 7/25/2015
Out my window in my room I saw a triangular shaped object with three blinking white lights. The object had a faint muffled engine sound and it was flying very low. I was very struck by how bright the lights were and how low the object was when I looked at it in the sky. I continued to watch the object and just ahead of me it stopped and hovered in the air. At this point I was very freaked out by the object. I could not keep my eyes off of it and about 30 seconds later the object shot up in the sky at a very fast speed and vanished in the sky. I wish I captured a photo or video of the object but it happened so fast and I wasn’t able to.


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Perth – 25/07/2015
I was hanging out the washing one day and something caught my eye. I looked up and saw this thing hovering about maybe 5 metres from me. I quickly ran inside to see if I can get a photo of it so, I grapped my phone ran outside again and managed to snap two photos. It happened very quickly with literary seconds between the two photos – before it dissapeared out of my sight. There was no sound and very odd to see something hovering without any sound.It had a shiny colour but the photo makes it look black due to the light behind it.  Please see the photos attached. It was around 4:45 pm or so. And I guess about 50cm in diameter.


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NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Camera – 21-07-2015
A NASA camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite has returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth from one million miles away.
The image was taken July 6, 2015, showing North and Central America. The central turquoise areas are shallow seas around the Caribbean islands. This Earth image shows the effects of sunlight scattered by air molecules, giving the image a characteristic bluish tint. The EPIC team is working to remove this atmospheric effect from subsequent images. Once the instrument begins regular data acquisition, EPIC will provide a daily series of Earth images allowing for the first time study of daily variations over the entire globe. These images, available 12 to 36 hours after they are acquired, will be posted to a dedicated web page by September 2015.
Analysing the picture you can see a giant object.
Youtube link:


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Kingsville, Texas – July 18 2015
Ball of light flew over the sky at cruising speed then disappear into nothingness, I observed it for two to three minutes before it vanished!


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Tampa, fla – 7-14-2015
These pics actually came from my mom.She was taking pics of sunset and noticed looks like a rocket launch i know but she said the streak actually started from the top then descended.Then just before it went out of sight it stoped and a little ball appeared and then disappeared totally after about a minute.I have tried coming up with anything i could think of but am stumped.If anyone else was in the area at the time and saw this or anyone has any clue as to what it may have been please let me know.


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British Grand Prix – 5 july 2015
taken from the British grand prix jets were doing a display but just behind the jet seems to be an object which looks like a silver disc


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Sudbury On Canada – July 10  / 2015   at  9:16 pm
Observation made from a parking lot East end of the city of Sudbury, On, Canada. Clear sky, sun was setting. I viewed an object that appeared to hover in the distance silently.
It caught my eye as it looked out of place. I watched it for 5 min as it made no movement. I asked an individual in the parking lot to verify what I saw. She thought it was weird and had no idea what it could be. Before I left the area I snapped one pic with my Samsung s4 cell phone.
When I arrived at home, I uploaded the picture to my PC. I was surprised when I viewed the pic zoomed in. It had the appearance of a concession of possible lights along what looks like an elongated body. I’m not sure what to make of it. …is it an illusion, trick of light or something more?
when  i zoomed  the picture in …although fuzzy , there is enough definition of something in the sky that day that i cant explain.
i tryed to submit a zoomed in version ,but the site said file was to large.


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La Habra Ca. – July 4, 2015
White circular orbs changing colors to a orange/red  then to white. They moved up and down. Then stayed next to each other. Watched for a few hours. From
8:30 pm- 12:30 am


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mountain home, Arkansas – July 1 2015
Large yellow glowing orb moving slowly south very low to the ground.


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google earth – june 25 2015
there is a ‘USO’ in the waters off Nova Scotia, apparently caught by google earth, it appears to be moving & water can be seen churning on one end. video can be seen on my youtube channel under my real name;   also had daylight sighting in 2009 up against the San Gorgonio Mts


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Wisconsin – May 2015
I live in northeast Wisconsin..from May of 2015 to now I have noticed lights in the night sky that move and skitter about, usually in tandem with another light..the lights are very high in the sky and at 1st I thought they were stars..when I 1st noticed them they caught my eye because something didn’t seem right..I noticed they seemed to move..there are usually another light a distance away and they move up and down and sideways in tandem…I’ve seen these everytime I’ve looked at the night sky this summer..the other night there 7 or 8 in different parts of the sky..I have no clue what they are or what they are doing…one night I observed one of the lights flying veryclose to another light and then a bright light—very powerful and intense came from the other light as if to observe the other you know if this is a common event?


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Rest Area at the y on south bound Interstate 35 near Ft. Worth Texas – March 10th 11pm 12am
I pulled to the rest area at 11pm and at about midnite I looked out the window and it looked like it was daytime I saw my car clock it was on 12 so I got out of my car thought it was noon so I didn’t look up directly at the sun I thought was directly over head I could see across the hiway to the next rest area so I got in my car to leave and when I pulled out of the rest area it was dark so I thought why can’t I see the road and realized well my headlights were off when I turned them on I thought and was shocked but it was daytime back in the rest area and stopped right there fifty feet from where I was and sleeped right there on the sholder


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Price, Utah – Frequently
Disks every time you go out I see them there almost out around the carbon county area every night


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N41 51 51.3 W76 01 09.7 300 yards NW of 242 Mill Creek Rd, Mansfield, PA – 27 Dec 2014 Appox. 1300EST
I am deer hunting with Flintlock. Setting on a bucket with my back to a large sugar maple tree, scanning the open field in front of me with 10×50 binoculars. I observe a strange robotic looking thing 300 yards to my left at about 330 degrees (30 degrees West of North) It appears to be over 9 feet tall, two tone brown. I calculated the height in relationship to the oak brush it was standing in. there did not seem to be any seams or joints. It appeared like it was rounded as if made from stove pipe. I could not see the feet as it stood in weeds. Arms ended in rounded 6 inch diameters made me think of mittens. Legs where of the same 6 inch diameter body was about 14 inches diameter. There was no neck, head was 10 inches diameter, 12 inches tall, with a black strip where you would expect eyes. I observed it for about 6 minutes, I looked away to see if any deer had entered the field none had. At this point I realized there was no normal outside sounds. When I looked back it was no longer
there. I made careful notes before leaving my stand. I could have wrote this off as some play of light in the oak brush but once I put the 10x50s on it there was little question it was something else.


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Crewe, Cheshire, England – September 18 2009. 11.15pm
I witnessed two oblong sheets of light (each I guess the size of a tennis court) fly slowly over my head…moving very slowly. watched them for over a minute. they made no sound whatsoever, they consisted of dull and brighter lights like the filament in a light bulb. they passed straight over my head and I stood open mouthed…any ideas?


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Sir Angelo Carannante, President of C.UFO.M (Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo) – one of the most known UFO research center spread throughout Italy −, announces a very significant sighting of a flying saucer. Several months ago the center received many pictures and their negatives showing a flying saucer. The pictures were taken in October 1996, maybe in 1997, in Avellino (Italy) when a young man, while returning from school by car with his father, saw an unidentified flying object shaped like a flying saucer. He tried to draw the attention of his father’s who said that they were all fantasies. The day after the young man returned to the place of the sighting with a compact film camera and took lots of pictures. The UFO seemed black and moved with rectilinear motion, then it changed position on its axis. Later the flying saucer disappeared up the atmosphere. Since then, the boy who made the shots kept all the pictures and their negatives into a drawer, until he decided to deliver
them to C.UFO.M. that finally conducted the investigations. Analysed by experts and photographers the negatives have been considered authentic. The trailer of the pictures is available on youtube at:


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Camden, Arkansa – june 7 1983
One evening in the projects were we lived back then we were all playing touch football in the street. An here comes this disk flipping over our heads maybe 16 feet high so we all chase it as it flip n flip then it went up so quick maybe 60 to 80 feet an slowly stop flipping sitting in one spot it will take me to show u an finish this story it was so amazing an I been watching. UFOs on TV that people claim they seen


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  • the photo taken at Tampa, fla – 7-14-2015....looks very much like a optical allusion, I've got a few photos exactly like this, and at the time we indeed had to look twice...what looks like an object going either up or down, is in fact many times, going towards or away from you, and in the evening with the setting sun, the effects coming off the vapour trail is absolutely stunning, and give rise to all sorts of imaginings.

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