MUFON’s Conclusion of a UFO Sighting in P.E.I. Disputed

Many theories have emerged to explain the UFO sighting, but national UFO group not rocked. The subject matter is a UFO sighting in June 2014 off P.E.I.’s North Shore.

John Sheppard recorded an eight-minute video that showed bright lights in the sky over the Gulf of St. Lawrence. He was camping in the late spring of that year at Twin Shores campground when he shot the video.

He submitted the footage to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Canada, which investigated the sighting and concluded it was an unknown aerial vehicle.

But many people are looking to debunk that conclusion. Canada’s Halifax president of the Royal Astronomical Society, Paul Gray, who has been taking photographs for 27 years, believes the thing in the Sheppard’s video is likely the 11:42 p.m. Air Canada flight approaching the Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport. He explains the main runway of the airport is directly in line with the area of the North Shore where the filming is done.

He further says that the aircraft’s landing lights are turned on ten to fifteen minutes prior arrival and visible up to 160 km away, making it possible for anybody on the P.E.I shore to see them.

As for the light’s erratic behaviour, Gray says that if someone 10 to 20 miles from an airport uses a cell phone and holds it for 5 minutes or more while taking a video of the plane on approach, will also give a result that looks almost the same, which is a bright light bouncing around the screen.

However, assistant director of MUFON Canada, Stu Bundy isn’t convinced with Gray’s explanation. He says that the director of MUFON B.C. is an astronomer and ex-pilot, and he doesn’t think it is an aircraft on approach.

Bundy states their investigator looks into flight schedules out of the Charlottetown and Halifax airports that time of the night.

Bundy also says that they can be wrong, but he stands by MUFON’s conclusion.

A former worker at the P.E.I. National Park, Hugh McCormack, believes the video shows two parachute flares dropped from Canadian military aircraft, which he has witnessed during search-and-rescue training or regular exercises.

Bundy says MUFON is glad to sift through all theories but adds “this is a very polarizing subject with many on both sides who believe they know the truth.”

Ross Thompson, a Thunder Cove cottage owner, offers a third theory. He reveals that he once thought he saw a UFO in the summer of 2014 between his cottage and the water late one evening. But after some investigations, he found out that it was a large drone with multi-coloured lights operated by a cottage renter in the area.

Thompson says he sees red, blue and white lights, plus another one bright light. It flies very similar to the man’s video- moves up and down fast and at approximately the same altitude to the one in the video, says Thompson.

Bundy says they consider the possibility of a drone, but one of MUFON’s field investigator, who owns a drone company, states that it doesn’t have any characteristics or not many of a drone.

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  • I just seen the same thing. It was in hover. The lights were a line of redish.
    It departed slowly and went out og my sight before i could get a better look.
    it went straight up a little bit made a small loop and moved beyond my sight. A helicopter couldn't move this smooth. I rushed in the building to get to the 7th floor. By the time i got up there it wss gone. Just the way it moved and so quiet and smooth.
    It was closer than this one.
    I swear to god i have just seen an object identical to this. City hall saint john n
    B Canada out front over water aswell.

    Security officer daniel morrison.

    Glad i seen your vid I though i was crazy.

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Tags: 2014Canada

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