Pilot Hans Faulkner claims to have flown a drone over the top secret airbase where alien craft reportedly stored. Faulkner claimed to have recorded on video some areas of the restricted airspace from his remote-controlled device. Also known as Dreamland and Groom Lake, The U.S. Air Force base is located approximately 83 miles north of Las Vegas in the distant Nevada desert.
The secret facility is the place where the stealth technology of the U.S. has been developed. Some of the best U.S. planes, such as the U2 spy plane, the F117 Stealth Fighter, and the Blackbird SR71 were secretly developed at this military base.
The U.S. government had denied the existence of the base until 2013 when the CIA documents confirmed otherwise.
In the late 1980s, the base started to become synonymous with UFOs as physicist Bob Lazar claimed to have involvement with reverse engineered alien craft in a mountain-side hangar.
Since then, curious people and alien enthusiasts from different parts of the world have flocked to the military base in hopes to catch a glimpse of advanced craft flight test. However, people are only allowed to get as close as 26 miles away on a mountain range named as Tikaboo Peak, the same place where Hans Faulkner stayed to film the base.
According to Faulkner, it is tough to move around the site, and white trucks follow them but hide when someone recorded them. The trucks are allegedly from the base security, known as Cammo dudes, who are authorised to use maximum force against anyone caught trespassing.
Warning signs are installed at the perimeter of the base that also has motion sensors and infra-red cameras.
In December 2015, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told Conway Daily Sun journalist Daymond Steer that if she wins as president, she will send a task force to Area 51 to get the bottom of UFOs.
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View Comments
Why wasnt the drone shot down, if it's such a high security place?
And why wasn't he arrested for espoinage?if it is such a top place, and vital to our country's defence, what right has anyone to think, that they can compromise that?
In any other country any intruders would be shot on site.
it's not like this film reveals anything...it doesn't even show any of the buildings, and to say it's area 51,, prove it, could be anywhere in the desert area.
Someone really has to try this. Park outside the border and send in a drone. keep it low and see what you can see. Drone will be expendable though. If I had the spare cash, I'd do it.
what's area 51 going to do NOW about drones that fly freely around the area? nothing. cause there's nothing to see.
WHAT SHIT!!Google has 100 times the info'' This looks like a video made by a total dumbass''
There has never been any aliens visitors to our world goverment institutions ever.Aliens would be foolish to visit planet earth as it maybe a huge risk, so far the best comunication for Aliens is through the crop circles. To prepare us all for a better life here on Earth,there is good and hope out there.
Must be nice living in Cloud Cuckoo Land and wearing rose tinted glasses.!
I was one of the aliens "subject's", and had frequent visit's all through my childhood.
At first I thought I was seeing ghost, but at some point I was allowed to mentally awaken, and then afterwards conditioned and prepared for whatever use they had planned for me. It took its toll on me, I started losing sleep, my mental state was suffering, and had constant headaches from all the information I had to process.
I'm still not sure what their plan for me was, but I felt certain I was to have a big part in something they were preparing for. I was at my wits end, night after nights they came for me. And even though I could tell they had great love and compassion, for all humans, as a race. As an individual I was nothing more than a disposable specimen.
Finally, right near the point where I could no longer produce the physical strength to survive, there was a break in there visits and I ran as quickly as possible to Mobile, Ala. to a friends house where i was finally able to find help and extract the tracking devices they had implanted into my feet and arm's. Paranoid and well shaken, I quickly developed some very bad habits. I started taking the drugs Demerol and Dilaudid. Then Cocaine and Meth. On top of that I was drinking heavily, and had started fighting a lot, at any chance possible. Secretly hoping to find a way to push the bad memory's out of my mind. Certainaly which all lead straight to going in and out of jail many times, and never slowing down on taking any of the substances. But instead , taking more.
I'm not sure how the aliens found me again, I had prayed that I'd maybe lost them after pulling out the implants. Possibly we had missed one, who knows. But sure as rain during one of the week long visit to the County jail, I was again found, and pulled out of the jail for an exam. Put back, and then only briefly visited once more and was shown to be too much of a problem for them to continue to work on in the future, so
Ultimately, in a sense they washed there hands of me and no long cared for what was to become of me.
It was a terrible experiance to have to go yhrough! It's even worse at what I had to lower myself to to get them out of my life.
It's been 15 years now with to more contact. I'm still very scared that they may come back.
But I'm still alive, for what ever that matters. This is such a crazy life. I can't begaqin to explain all of the fears and lost of trust that lives inside of me. I can't even begain to explain all the mistrust issues ether.
Thats it. M.B.