Here’s a new video of a two bright unidentified flying objects hovering in the sky above Ontario in Canada. One of the objects then disappears into the clouds. This happened on 21st February 2016.
Witness report: Hello, On February 21, 2016 at around 5:50 PM I witnessed 3 UFO’s hovering outside. The sighting happen in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada it was a very cloudy day, and the sun was setting at the west. I was in my bedroom about to turn on my PlayStation 4 that is located along my bedroom wall next to a large modern window with the blinds pulled up, As I turned on my PS4 I looked outside to see 3 bright objects in the sky hovering beside each other in a strange formation. At first I thought I was looking at airplanes/helicopters with their headlights turned on but their was no movement, after a few seconds maybe 6-9 seconds one UFO at the very top started blinking randomly, few seconds later the middle UFO dissapered and reappeared in the same exact spot it was in, I called my mom over who was in the kitchen to show her and she did not know what it could be… After a few more seconds 2 UFO’s started blinking but very slowly and stopped, the 3rd UFO is slightly hard to see in the video the 3rd UFO is almost like transparent slightly visible, So I pulled out my IPad Air 2 and started recording. 3 seconds into the recording and the UFO’s started disappearing one by one. After the UFO’s disappeared into the clouds (which is what it looked like) I looked into the sky all around me inside my bedroom window to notice anything unusual and everything looked normal like always. I went back to review the video and noticed a 4th UFO along the right side above the tall middle tree, that 4th UFO must have appeared and disappeared at the same time the last UFO on the left side disappeared. I did not see the 4th UFO when I was recording the other 3 UFO’s on the left side disappear on my IPad screen. I have no idea how high and how far away the UFO’s were, possibly hovering 2-5K feet high… The UFO’s looked VERY large. I did not hear any strange noises or any aircraft engines, Cars were driving on the road so perhaps that is why. The color of the UFO’s was a yellow/orange almost like car lights. I have footage of the event and I uploaded it on YouTube, one person has said it was a drone but that is the most idiotic comment I have heard. If you would like to view the video look up : UFO Disappears into clouds – Ontario, Canada – On YouTube.
Author (source: MUFON)
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View Comments
you have 2 identical videos on youtube. why? looks interesting.
I do not see any 3rd or 4th lights, and to me they look like reflected lights on a window.I want solid proof.
Yea don`t we all Amy?
truly amazing video
It is quite obviously lights reflecting in glass, come on get a grip, do we have to have this obvious trick show, on what was once a good website, we deserve better , and you can do better
Fake Im not buying this one
They are downlights reflected on a window
Frisbee covered in foil lol
I love it when, reporting UFO sightings in parts of Canada the headlines invariably say "UFO hovers over Ontario, Canada" while, if somewhere in the U.S., for example, "sighted over Mesa, Arizona." Ontario is a huge province in which one could lose Texas, so would it be too much to ask to include the specific Canadian location in the headline to simplify searches?