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Former RAF Lieutenant Recalls Bizarre UFO Captured on Radar Over Air Base

Malcolm WilliamsMalcolm Williams

A former flight lieutenant at Royal Air Force (RAF) claimed to have noticed a strange UFO blasted across radar screen while working at an air base.

Malcolm Williams did not expect to witness a UFO activity while working in air traffic control at RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire.  In an interview, Williams told UFO investigator Philip Mantle that the incident took place during his night shift before Christmas in either 1994 or 1995.

At the time, Williams claimed that he had almost two decades of experience and knowledgeable enough to identify causes of radar oddities, atmospheric variation, and bird.

Williams observed a massive blob on the radar screen while guiding two C130 Hercules aircraft that were around three miles from touchdown. Unable to identify the thing, he contacted the pilots of the two C130s and fed them around the target.

Williams decided to pass control of the inbound aircraft to a colleague and go to the visual control room upstairs.

Philip Mantle interviewed Williams about the incident.

According to Mantle, Williams recalled that the room where he had been based had no windows, so he tried getting a visual sighting of this radar target. Williams failed to see anything, but another radar known as the Distance from Touchdown indicator in the visual control room had the same blob, which was stationary on the screen.

The visual controller could not also explain the target. When Williams returned to the radar room, the blob was still present on the radar screen. He used the suppressors to try eliminating the strange thing, but it was still there on the screen.

Williams then thought of a technical problem, but after checking, he realized that all systems were functioning perfectly fine.

Then everything changed when the blob on the radar was apparently bursting and shooting off at an incredible speed in all directions. Williams said that it was the first time he saw such thing moving that fast.

The visual controller also witnessed the same strange activity on the DFTI.

An agitated airman, who was on guard duty at the base, then telephoned Williams saying that he just observed something very strange. The airman told Williams that he saw a bright light in the east bursting and shooting off in all directions at speeds that he could not believe.

Moments later, another airman on guard duty also telephoned Williams and reported the same thing.

Williams called the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and reported the incident. He also sent a written report of the incident to the MoD in London, but they did not get back to him.

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  • Was it verified from the other witnesses?
    It should have been recorded somewhere and needs to be verified.
    Some more experienced experts should give their opinion on this.

    • Maybe the 'experts' were able to find out the source, but were forced to be quiet and not to tell to anybody.
      So it is the neverending lousy 'game'
      YOU as a reading soul here, you have no idea of suppressing public calls.
      So sitting on your soft sofa you type lines in which are unreal, just calling for experts, which you are not - obviously.
      As idiots call for 'showing' or 'explanations' which you'll never get.
      Have you got knowledge and love once a time back in the time of only your birth?
      And why you ask now so stupid for something which you were able to find out by yourself?
      Are YOU the idiot - or - are the 'others' be the idiots?
      Dont make it so cheap, go deeper into it - before you write your lines here.
      Maybe it's a good recommendation for you to - just wake up from your meaningless sleep........or what do you really wait for?
      A 'wonder' is it which ordinary souls never will be able to see with own eyes?
      I have seen many 'wonders' just before my own eyes. You could ask me how they looked like. And maybe - I tell you.

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