To find proof of alien contact, more than 120,000 individuals have pledged to meet up and storm Nevada desert’s Area 51.
The ambitious plan is being organised through Facebook and is scheduled to take place on September 20, 2019, at 3 am. The meeting place will be at the Area 51 Alien Center in Amargosa Valley, Nevada. Those taking part will then proceed to Area 51, a classified military facility believed to housed alien technology and aliens themselves.
The group organisers are planning to do the Naruto run so that they can move faster than the area security’s bullet. Naruto running is a meme inspired by a popular anime character Naruto Uzumaki who has a distinctive running style.
Dodging bullets is something that no one succeeded in the past. In January, the local sheriff’s office and Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) officers shot a man carrying an unidentified cylindrical object after attempting to drive into the site.
It remains to be seen whether the group is just doing some grand scale internet trolling or serious about the attempt to gain access to the controversial Area 51.
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It must be a joke. What do they think will happen? Muti shootings and arrests, jail time? This is a military establishment, and they could be classed as terrorists and shot onsight. Stupid people.
Uh huh,'re a nut case. Anyone shooting at the American People is sure to pay dearly for that error.
I somewhat agree with Iceni. Very foolish proposition. Someone recently was shot and killed there because he was trespassing with something that was classed as a weapon? Also aren't there signs saying Deadly force can be used on trespassers? It's a Military Base for heaven's sake. And BTW Baron, no need to be rude to other commenters!
They do have anti gravity craft which they are keeping secret even from the general military. They also have ways of stopping anyone descending on a TOP Secret base and this doesn't just involved shooting them though this is an option. I can understand why they want to do this but this is an extremely dangerous course of action........
ok their planning on going on sept 20, well at least their telling them when were and time , so they can have plenty of time to get ready
I was given the impression that this website had been changed to Et DataBase, it is good that you are still in existence. It is odd that there is a planned protest March on area 51 (either while it is moving to Loa Utah or after it has moved), in the words of Cliff Claven from Cheers "what's up with that"?
I was given the impression that this website had been changed to Et DataBase, it is good that you are still in existence. It is odd that there is a planned protest March on area 51 (either while it is moving to Loa Utah or after it has moved), in the words of Cliff Claven from Cheers "what's up with that"?
Even with say 10,000 people show up to storm an active, known classified, AIR FORCE BASE; what could possibly go wrong?
Let me guess:
1. You will likely be traversing a land mine field.
2. You will see pop-up lazer guided 50 caliber machine guns.
3. If and I mean if; you make it past that part of fun time land, it's the US AIR FORCE for GOD'S sake. You will surely meet their convaier belt bomber of 500 pounders.
4. People, let's also remember which area this is! You may also be welcomed by Arial Technology that most earthlings call UFO'S that likely belong to the USAF.
In short; if you want your family's to have a real cheap funeral for you, redicoulous people, (because there is no body left to view or to even fill a coffee can) then I say to you silly people your way of thinking is tilted!
ps even IF you do make it, you will face interrogation and then an execution of your choice. ie lethal injection, firing squad, or electric chair.
Sounds like a good old American picnic;
I had two cleverly devised retorts, to these ridiculous people, intending on assaulting one of the U.S. GOVERNMENTS most prised assets and you bleeped me!
Why did you do that?
The Military won't just shoot people! They will use sound rendering high pitch to stop you in your tracks. better be waring some really good ear gear.
"sound rendering": is this a new class of weapons that I'm unaware of?
Please give a more accurate and descript interpretation of what your talking about