Naked Science – Alien Contact

Just for a moment, imagine a universe awash with life, where we humans are not the only intelligent beings around. What might these alien races look like? Could we communicate with them, or even recognise them as intelligent? And what would they make of our violent and dangerous species? Might they take one look, and decide not to bother with such primitive beings? A planetary nursery filled with spiteful, galactic infants. On the other hand, in our imaginary scenario, they may enrich us with scientific knowledge beyond our imagination. Or could an encounter with aliens have a more destructive outcome? It could be a bad day for human kind. But relax, it’s just make believe, it could never happen, could it? A mysterious crash in Roswell, New Mexico during the 1940s convinced many that our planet is being visited by space aliens. Crop circles in Britain have only added fuel to the fire. Few scientists doubt that life indeed exists elsewhere, but some believe we’re more likely to make contact via radio waves. Join the search for extra-terrestrials and hear from scientists who think we are on the verge of making contact.

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  • "Or could an encounter with aliens have a more destructive outcome? It could be a bad day for human kind. But relax, it’s just make believe, it could never happen, could it? A mysterious crash in Roswell, New Mexico during the 1940s convinced many that our planet is being visited by space aliens."

    Typically for so called 'intelligent' humans to tell such bull.....
    To claim 'it' could never happen, whatever it means.
    YOU are foretelling such unlogical and reality denying idotic statements, you even ignore the possibility that at every single day the humankind can be confronted, to 'experience' something 'impossible' impact from anywhere, actually just the corona pandemic, which drastically shows your failure, your so proud and in same time abolutely wrong perception of 'realiy' and what can happen in real, ignoring your so stupid lines of 'it can never happen' - you see the contrary with your own cheap eyes now. Can never happen? Shut up, idiot. You know nothing, but from the nothing you know a lot, as proven.

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