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Latest UFO Sightings Reports – May 2020 #2

Latest UFO sightings that were submitted through our report page and Facebook page.

Northern Ireland, Belfast – 21 May 2020
Hey I took this in Northern Ireland, Belfast, titanic quarter tonight. Do you think it’s a sighting?

Lydenburg mpumalanga south africa – 21 May
i saw it again last night

Newton Abbot Devon England – 20th of May ‎2020
I was in the back garden with my Nikon P900 camera taking photographs of a royal navy helicopter when a small black UFO probe flew right past it. I managed to capture the small black probe in a photograph just as it was right in front of the royal navy helicopter. I then followed the small black probe across the sky where to my surprise I spotted two small white spheres which I now turned my full attention towards. I watched them as they flew around the sky in a playful manner before a larger sphere flew into view. This larger sphere had the appearance of a pearl which was glistening in the sun light. I zoomed in a bit more with my camera and immediately took a photograph. I continued to watch as the large pearl sphere flew across the sky closely followed by the small white spheres and the small black probe which had now turned white. They disappeared off into the distance where I unfortunately lost sight of them. I was completely gobsmacked I had just witnessed four UFO’s in quick succession. What on earth was going on today. I wasn’t even trying to capture any UFO’s I was only trying to photograph the royal navy helicopter. This is totally bizarre. The Photographs were taken ‎at ‏‎13:15 PM on the 20th of May ‎2020, at Newton Abbot Devon England.

UK – 19 May 2020
Anyone see a fast moving triangle shape with stationary white lights flying over Essex and Suffolk at about 10:30 PM tonight? No sound…

South Africa – 19 May 2020
Hi my name is james I’m from south africa and I saw a UFO last night when i woke up to go to the toilet. I saw a light in the sky. I thought it was just a street light and i went to the window to go have a look turns out it wasn’t a light but a round metal ball with blue lights. It was hoveringin the air for up to 2 min than it flew away

Carrollton , Al. BackYard – 05-18-2020 2:51 am
Saw 5 to 6 objects flying from North to South , I was facing east . They were flying in a triangle.

Newton Abbot Devon England – 17th of may 2020
I was in the back garden sky watching and it had been a very hot day. I had only seen one plane pass over the area and it had left a thick contrail behind it in the sky. I always look around contrails for UFOs as they always seem to be near or around them. I was looking along the contrail through the viewfinder of my Nikon P900 camera when all of a sudden a round white UFO darted right through the contrail so I instantly took some photographs capturing it. I then watched as the round UFO flew right over the house where I lost sight of it. I often see these types of UFO’s flying around passenger planes in this area. They seem to be non physical and may be plasma based. These UFO’s always seem to know when I am pointing my camera towards the sky and they just appear from out of nowhere and fly across the area of sky that I am viewing. It really is quite fascinating that I am seeing physical and non physical UFO’s in the sky above me. The only question is where exactly are they coming from. It really is a perplexing mystery. The photographs were taken at 5:10 PM on the 17th of may 2020 at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.

San Antonio Tx – May 17th, 2020
Blinking moving strange, vanished, not a sound, video was taken by my 10yr old son who spotted it. Video is very shaky, however at around 0.26 secs to about 0.57 seconds, you will see how it flickers. Still trying to determine if it really is what it looks to be.

Edinburgh, UK – 14 May 2020
Just seen this over Edinburgh 20 :45 Gmt unexplainable !

Newton Abbot Devon England – 13th of ‎May ‎2020
I had been sky watching for hours and I had not seen any unidentified objects so I was feeling a bit disappointed. I had just watched a passenger plane pass over the area that had left a contrail behind it which had now begun to fade. I looked around the area of sky were the contrail was and to my amazement I spotted something that was slowly moving around directly beneath it. I immediately looked through my binoculars to see what it could be and to my surprise I could see that it was some type of structured mechanical craft. As I watched the craft flying around the sky near the faint contrail I could see that the craft was crescent shaped and had a round dome that was situated on the top of it. I quickly put down my binoculars and immediately grabbed my Sony HX-300 camera and took a photograph of the craft just before it flew up into some near by clouds where I lost sight of it. I was left wondering where this craft had originated from. It was definitely strange and I believe that all of the unidentified crafts that I have witnessed around this area are coming from the sea. The photograph was taken at 1:47 PM on the 13th of ‎May ‎2020, at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.

5/8/2020 8:31 pm Erie PA
Facing East. Looking over a local casino.

Westmoreland county, madison Pennsylvania. Route 70 madison exit – 7 May 2020
Took this photo last night. Dunno wth that is. maybe a ufo.. I seen the sky and thought it’d be a good picture. A buddy was with me and was looking at the sky with me when I took this pic and he said he didn’t see it either.

Spotted over Plymouth, Devon – Mutley Plain area on Thursday 7th May,
between 12.55 and 13.00. It was moving fairly fast – faster than a plane at the same high altitude. It looked dark grey in colour and at the back there appeared to be a conical shaped projectile. It was hard to tell as it was high up but I could make out something at the back of it. Defiantly not a plane. It few in a straight line and I watched it disappear out of sight through the clouds towards Dartmoor. In the main picture you can see something else in the clouds – possibly a similar object but hidden behind the clouds; I did not spot this object, only noticed it when looking at the photo.

Queen Creek AZ South of Phoenix – May 1st 2020
I went to take a picture of the moon and hit record. It was a 14 second video. Once we watched it we saw something zip across the top of the moon. I cut the video down to 4 secs and this is what I got.

Cooranbong nsw – Sydney Australia – 17/01/2018
I saw a UFO Around 9/45 pm the night of 17 January 2018. The reason I was outside at night was, we have a possum that we feed every night around the same time. This night was crystal clear not a cloud in the sky.
I saw the UFO flying from south west to north east. Very bright white light very fast and no sound. When it changed direction to east, It sped off at a very fast speed and stopped directly in my line of site. The southern cross was the background reference point.
It stopped for a few seconds then a blue circle appeared directly above the object. The UFO then rose up through the blue circle an vanished before my eyes.
The sighting was around 30 seconds something that will stay with me forever, I know alien life exits I witnessed it.

Thomas County GA. Merrillville Rd @ Enon RD. – 11/15/16
I know it’s 4 yrs. old but worth looking at and I have more from over the last 4.5 yrs. In this video I’m driving home from work and filming. As you will see as I’m slowing down coming up on a stop sign a reddish cloud looking UFO appears to my North over a field and then disappeared behind foliage. Next you see my camera pans upward and a silver in color cylinder shaped UFO appears from like out of nowhere towards the back of this field. This UFO shoots at an incredible speed South flying basically over me to my left. Why was I filming? Because I already knew by that point that all of this (ufo’s everywhere around earth, observing) was happening and in my field research had already filmed several other ufo’s at and around close proximity to my residence in rural Thomas County Georgia. The KICKER to all of this is (which on my on I learned very quickly about) BOTH UFO’S YOU SEE FILMED IN MY VIDEO I NEVER SAW WITH MY EYE’S. THEY WERE CLOAKED. DUE TO DIGITAL CAMERA FREQUENCIES OF SAID CRAFT’S AND FREQUENCY OF CAMERA THEY WERE RECORDED. I just posted this particular sighting yesterday again with M.U.F.O.N due to not seeing that I had posted it apparently back then. I’ve had a lot of harrasment and equipment destroyed in all indirect ways one can imagine. I have posted others on muffin over the yrs too. I appreciate your work and this site as to help show and educate truth of what happening that all the world governments keep covered up with lies and disinformation to name only a few. Feel free to contact me if you would like to talk or have any questions. (229) 977-3467. I usually never answer numbers I don’t know so if no problem first just text my number with who you are/ would like to talk and that way I’ll have your number and I can then call you right back. Appreciate it! Sent also through wetransfer. Added also BIG PDF FILE of photos snagged from my videos over a 4 year span 2016-2020. Some photos I put information (my humble opinion’s) on what some of the filmed ufo’s are. Am I 100% correct, no I’m sure some things in some photos can be debunked. But truly others can not. I’m firmer local law enforcement-13.5 yrs. & was a crime scene technician for 2 of those yrs. Also former U.S.M.C- Infantry MOS-0331- 4 YRS, Also for two yrs a International Police Advisor to Iraq ( advising, mentoring, and training) Said all that to let anyone here know I always have been what others refer to as a trained observer throughout my careers.

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  • Real (4)
  • Fake (1)
  • Not Alien (1)

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