An ex-Navy pilot who once connected to an American military programme that investigates unidentified flying objects (UFOs) recalled an event where he spotted a mysterious object in the sky.
It was in 2004 when the incident took place wherein commander David Fravor was flying above the Pacific Ocean off the San Diego coast along with his partner Commander Jim Slaight.
The duo was performing a routine training operation when the radio operator contacted them to inform that the military had been observing a UFO in the area for around two weeks. The object had outlandish behaviour, which had piqued their interest. It descended thousands of feet, hovered over the ocean, and blinked in and out of their scope of view.
The radio operator instructed Fravor and Slaight to investigate. The two pilots then approached the coordinates in F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jets.
Their radar hadn’t picked up anything, and they didn’t pick up on any objects at first, but Commander Fravor eventually noticed something as he looked down at sea. Fravor spotted something hovering on the surface of the sea, causing the water to froth as if it were boiling.
A closer look, Fravor realized that it was an aircraft but not similar to what he had seen before. Fravor described it as a whitish colour, 40 feet long and ovular in shape.
Fravor decided to descend towards the object, which came up to meet him but sharply veering off.
According to Fravor, in an interview in 2017, the strange aircraft came close to his aircraft once more while heading to a military rendezvous point before vanishing.
Fravor’s account is supported by a recorded video he took that shows a UFO moving from side to side floating on the surface of the ocean.
The former pilot believes the object was not from this world as he had seen virtually everything of his 18 years of flying but nothing close to the strange one he had witnessed.
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