daytime UFO

UFO Sighting in Quebec: Telepathic Chat with Pleiadians

UFO Sighting in Quebec: Telepathic Chat with Pleiadians?

On the 10th of August 2022, a driver in St-Élie-de-Caxton, Quebec, Canada, witnessed a mysterious UFO in the sky. The object was large and silvery white, with some small darker vessels below it. The driver was able to film the UFO, but the camera failed to capture the full extent of what the driver’s eyes could see.

The sighting was not just a random event, as another witness from a nearby town also saw the UFO and confirmed the presence of smaller vessels below the main one. However, what set this sighting apart from others was the fact that the driver claimed to have chatted telepathically with the UFO afterwards, and it identified itself as a Pleiadian spacecraft.

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is a star cluster located in the Taurus constellation, and it has been the subject of much fascination for many years. According to believers in the existence of extraterrestrial life, the Pleiadians are an advanced race of beings who have been visiting Earth for a long time. They are said to be peaceful and benevolent and have been working to help humanity in various ways.

The driver’s telepathic chat with the Pleiadian craft was an extraordinary event, but it raises a lot of questions. How did the driver know that the craft was a Pleiadian spaceship? Was the chat genuine, or was it just a figment of the driver’s imagination? These are difficult questions to answer, and it’s up to each person to decide what they believe.

Despite the skepticism that some may have towards the driver’s experience, it’s worth noting that there have been many reports of people claiming to have had telepathic communications with extraterrestrial beings. In some cases, these contacts have led to profound changes in people’s lives, inspiring them to become more spiritual or pursue a deeper understanding of the universe.

In any case, the sighting in Quebec is an exciting event that adds to the long list of mysterious and unexplained phenomena that continue to fascinate people around the world. Whether or not the driver’s telepathic chat with the Pleiadian craft was genuine, it’s clear that the event had a profound impact on the driver and may inspire others to keep an open mind about the possibility of life beyond Earth.

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  • Wounldn't it be odd if the Pleiadeans actually called themselves Pleiadeans when the term Pleiades is a Greek derived name for the asterism - they could have come up with their own name if they were smart enough to traverse some 450 light years of space to come here. I guess if we follow that logic they also use personal names like Brian and Linda. Not taking issue with the video, just just the chap holding the starfish in the picture.

    • Higher entities are not concerned about names and will use the terminology of lower lifeforms for ease. When a terminology reaches wide spread use it takes on a frequency of its own linking a name to that particular group.

      Spirit helpers and guides will do a similar thing. Michael Newton interlife regression revealed that guides would often take on a form the newly deceased was expecting to see on crossing.

      Same principle it is easier for the experienced to identify and orientate.

  • Interactions in consciousness space do not actually utilise language, the meaning and intent of a communication is translated into language according to the understanding of the recipient by the recipient. conscious experience is not derived from language, language is derived from consciousness.

  • I always like to meet these beings but I don't know how and what do I need to do for them to visit me and I don't threatens but nice meeting and share great ideas ... I love them

  • Check out Dr. Steven Greer and his CE5 protocol. They have an app now. I haven't tried it yet but I want to!

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Tags: 2022Canada

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