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Unsolved Mystery: Farmer Witnesses Five UFOs Creating Crop Circles

crop circles mysterycrop circles mystery

On September 30, 1974, a serene farming day in Saskatchewan turned into an extraordinary event that continues to baffle researchers and UFO enthusiasts. Edwin Fuhr, a hardworking Saskatchewan farmer, was harvesting rapeseed when he stumbled upon something that would change his life forever and contribute significantly to the enduring mystery of crop circles and UFO sightings.

The Unusual Encounter

As Fuhr was working in his field, he noticed a shiny metallic object that he initially mistook for a duck blind—a common fixture in rural areas used for hunting. Curiosity piqued, he decided to investigate further. Upon closer inspection, what he found was far beyond any ordinary object. Hovering just a foot above the ground was a bun-shaped, stainless steel object, rotating swiftly in a clockwise motion. The grass beneath it swirled in the same direction, seemingly under the influence of the hovering craft.

VIDEO: Crop Circles Mystery: Five UFOs Seen by Farmer | Close Encounters 113

The sight alone was perplexing, but the mystery deepened when Fuhr returned to his tractor and saw four more identical objects hovering in the field. All five objects remained stationary for about 15 minutes before suddenly ascending into the sky and disappearing. The incident left Fuhr in shock and disbelief, as he struggled to make sense of what he had just witnessed.

Investigations and Theories

The incident caught the attention of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), who launched an investigation into the strange occurrence. The RCMP found that the grass in the exact spots where Fuhr reported seeing the UFOs had been flattened and swirled in a circular pattern. This physical evidence corroborated Fuhr’s account, lending credibility to his story.

Two days after the initial sighting, Fuhr discovered a sixth circle in his field, and within weeks, as many as 15 similar circles were reported in seven different locations across Saskatchewan. These findings attracted further attention, and the Canadian National Research Council got involved. However, their explanation—that the circles were caused by a natural phenomenon known as fairy rings, which are circular patterns left by plant-killing fungi—failed to convince many. Critics pointed out that fairy rings do not usually exhibit the uniform size and swirling patterns observed in Fuhr’s field.

The Birth of Crop Circle Phenomenon

What makes Fuhr’s encounter particularly significant is that it may represent one of the earliest documented cases of crop circles. Unlike the typical crop circles that mysteriously appear overnight without any witnesses, Fuhr actually saw the objects that created the circular formations in his field. This unique aspect of his story challenges the common belief that all crop circles are man-made hoaxes.

While many crop circles have been debunked as pranks or artistic expressions, Fuhr’s account provides a rare instance where an eyewitness can testify to the formation of these enigmatic patterns. The presence of UFOs in the creation of crop circles, as described by Fuhr, continues to fuel debates within the UFO and paranormal communities.

Unanswered Questions

Despite numerous investigations and theories, Fuhr’s encounter remains unexplained. Skeptics argue that the objects could have been experimental military drones, though such technology was not known to exist at the time. Others suggest that it was a natural phenomenon that science has yet to understand. Yet, the simplicity and consistency of Fuhr’s testimony, along with the physical evidence found at the scene, make it difficult to dismiss his experience outright.

The case of Edwin Fuhr stands out not just for its strangeness, but for the lasting impact it has had on the study of crop circles and UFO sightings. To this day, it remains one of the most compelling and well-documented cases in the realm of unexplained phenomena.


The mystery of the crop circles and the five UFOs witnessed by Saskatchewan farmer Edwin Fuhr continues to intrigue researchers and the general public alike. Whether viewed as a groundbreaking UFO encounter or an unsolved natural mystery, the incident challenges our understanding of the world and reminds us that some questions may never be fully answered. As investigations into UFOs and crop circles persist, Fuhr’s story stands as a testament to the enduring fascination with the unknown.

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