This day in UFO History: Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh UFO SightingThis day in UFO History: Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh UFO Sighting

This day in UFO History: Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh UFO Sighting

There are myths and stories lurking around UFOs, and there are people who claimed to have seen these flying objects.… Read More

10 years ago
UFO Sightings In BermudaUFO Sightings In Bermuda

UFO Sightings In Bermuda

Bermuda and flying saucers have long been associated with each other, and the truth is out there on the internet.… Read More

10 years ago
Crashed Saucer Found with 16 Humanoid Bodies InsideCrashed Saucer Found with 16 Humanoid Bodies Inside

Crashed Saucer Found with 16 Humanoid Bodies Inside

The world was first alerted about stories of recovered flying saucers and little men by columnist Frank Scully in his… Read More

11 years ago