Coast to Coast AM: The Flatwoods Monster Chronicles – The UFO Connection
Dive into the Mystery of the Flatwoods Monster! A Tale of Aliens, UFOs, and 1952’s Unsolved Enigma! #FlatwoodsMonster #UFOs #MysteryUnveiled
Dive into the Mystery of the Flatwoods Monster! A Tale of Aliens, UFOs, and 1952’s Unsolved Enigma! #FlatwoodsMonster #UFOs #MysteryUnveiled
Uncover the baffling tale of Scoutmaster Sonny DesVergers’ 1952 UFO encounter that led to a life-changing experience and a decades-long mystery.
In 1952, UFOs were spotted over Washington D.C. & Albert Einstein was asked if he knew what was happening. He responded, “Those people have seen something. What it is I do not know and am not curious to know.”
“…At the time immediately I didn’t feel frightened. I did subsequently feel that we were looking at something that really we shouldn’t be seeing. And […]
As hard as it is to imagine now, there was once a time when UFOs were given serious, front-page coverage in US national news, and […]
Some people would ask why aliens seem to don’t care about landing on the White House lawn. Many may be surprised to learn that UFOs […]
60 years after the publication of the second book of George Adamski called “Inside the Space Ships”, some still regard this experience as one of […]
The existence of aliens and extraterrestrials are the most debatable questions of all time. Lots of people seem to ask instances at TV, radios, newspapers […]
On the 12th of September 1952, an apparent extraterrestrial being was sighted in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia. This unidentified entity […]
Between July 13 and 29 in the year 1952, many witnesses reported a series of UFO sightings above Washington D.C. Among the witnesses were Air […]
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