LEAKED VIDEO of a PYRAMID SHAPED UFO shot in 1968 in Soviet Union & smuggled by GEORGE KNAPP in the 90sLEAKED VIDEO of a PYRAMID SHAPED UFO shot in 1968 in Soviet Union & smuggled by GEORGE KNAPP in the 90s

LEAKED VIDEO of a PYRAMID SHAPED UFO shot in 1968 in Soviet Union & smuggled by GEORGE KNAPP in the 90s

A leaked video of a pyramid-shaped UFO filmed in 1968 in Latvia sparked the imagination of people around the world.… Read More

2 years ago
Mysterious UFO Activities in the HimalayasMysterious UFO Activities in the Himalayas

Mysterious UFO Activities in the Himalayas

Symbolic image There were many UFO sightings and encounters that happened in and over the Himalaya mountains in 1968 wherein… Read More

5 years ago

The UFO That Crash Landed In Russia Has Grey Alien-Like Remains

Flying lightning balls were reported on November 29, 1968 by Sverdlovsk newspaper. One of them reportedly crashed near Berezovsky. Lieutenant… Read More

11 years ago