Bell-Shaped UFO Spotted Over Götzis, Austria 1-Aug-2024
Bell-shaped UFO sighting in Götzis, Austria on August 1, 2024. Witness account and theories on this mysterious aerial phenomenon.
Bell-shaped UFO sighting in Götzis, Austria on August 1, 2024. Witness account and theories on this mysterious aerial phenomenon.
A recent appearance of an unidentified object sailing through the blue skies of the Austria caught a lot of media coverage. It could have been […]
UFO enthusiasts are wondering what could be the identity of the mysterious objects on videos that were captured by two different witnesses in Graz, Austria […]
A UFO sighting video that apparently shows mysterious aerial object getting struck by lightning in a New Year’s Eve party in Austria has gone viral […]
Many UFO researchers believe that aliens were once visited planet Earth because of an alleged 800-year-old cell phone that has been dug up in Austria. […]
This interesting UFO sighting was taken in the daytime sky above Austria on 11th February 2015. Unfortunately there’s not a lot other info about this […]
Otzi the Iceman is the oldest mummified remains of a prehistoric human that was ever recovered on earth today. He is a messenger from the […]
July 24; Sutton Hall, nr Rochford, Essex, United Kingdom July 25; Momalle, Belgium & Hofer Roundabout near Zwettl, Austria
Interesting daytime video of a bright unidentified flying object or orb hovering in the sky above Vienna, the capital and largest city of Austria. This […]
UFO sightings – Unknown bright light was caught on tape over Vienna, the capital and largest city of Austria on 23rd July 2012. Witness report: [Best […]
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