Ministry of Defence in Great Britain stopped its operation in collecting UFO reports starting December 2009 because the office thinks that no UFO report has been confirmed or verified, particularly the potential threat it brings to the nation. However, British National Archives recently released UFO files containing correspondence between the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and two high level military officials who were suggested that UFO cases should not be taken lightly.
Baron Hill-Norton was the highest ranking official among those who seriously convinced MOD to investigate the possible threats of aliens. As former Admiral of the Fleet, head of military committee in NATO, and Chief of the Defence Staff, this man got an impressive qualification as a tough and aggressive leader, meaning he did not take statements or beliefs that are untrue or make no sense.

Lord Hill-Norton sighted the incident in the Rendlesham forest in the night of December 1980. Many servicemen from U.S. saw a UFO occurrence for over two days near the bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, which both on lease from Great Britain to the U.S. The bases were surrounded by the Rendlesham forest. Deputy Base Commander Charles Halt was one of the witnesses and was ordered to send a memo regarding what they observed to the MOD. Minister of State Defence Lord Gilbert said that the supposed UFO sightings were not of interest on their end.
In response to Lord Gilbert claimed, Lord Hill-Norton cited two possibilities either the UFO intruded our Airspace and landed on Earth or the officer of an operational, nuclear armed, England-based U.S. Air Force as well as his enlisted men were either lying or hallucinating. He continues that either of the two cited possibilities should simply be of interest to the Ministry of Defence.
Lord Hill-Norton further asked delicate question to Lord Gilbert if they are aware of U.S. Air Force personnel’s reports that the UFO seen over the base from December 25 to 30 in 1980 was fired using nuclear weapons. Lord Gilbert responded that no evidence was found referring to such reports and continued that he intended not to confirm or deny the exact location of the nuclear weapons.
On the other hand, former Undersecretary of State Ralph Noyes was the other British government official petitioning, through his letters, that the UFO incident be taken seriously. He revealed that he was not able to give his real opinion on the UFO phenomenon since he was afraid to destroy his working relationship with the RAF and scientific colleagues.

I have just read of concerns of former Admiral,Lord Hill-Norton about ufo's and the MOD.Please inform the Admiral that I have filmed many alien spacecraft in last 23mts.,and have seen many over the years.He's welcome to see them Thanks Robert Newton,nr.St.Helens,Merseyside.
I have just sent a message for Baron or Lord Hill-Norton re my film of alien craft but forgot to say that on 4-7-2010 I saw a star like object 60 ft.away 1000ft.alt.30mph.and filmed.When trans. to VHS the star like craft appears very similar to the one shown in article and in front are 2 smaller craft and 2 more 50 ft.behind all silent.The next night the same craft came over doing 5000mph+.Thanks