Your UFO reports: 11th September – 18th September 2011
(Including some great 14th September reports from United States)
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
NNW of Tucson, Arizona – 9-18-2011
My attention was brought to a bright object in the sky while walking the dog. We had no Camera’s or phone available.The position was NNW of Tucson about 35 to 40 Arc degrees above the horizon
The Lady had been watching this for 40 minutes already. It was stationary and very bright , the time was about 6:25AM .
It seemed to be not shaped the same all the time.
I watched this for about 15 minutes while walking home to get a camera. At about 6:45 (guess) a second light split off from the main and descended slowly about 10 arc degrees then went back up and over the original as both faded away.
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Joshua Tree, California – sept. 17, 2011
at around 951 pm, i noticed a light move from left to right accross the sky. It was a white light with a redish glow around it. 3 other people witnessed this at the same time. There were no strobes on it and when i shined my mag light on it, it seemed to stop, dip and dissappear to the northeast.
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Ebenezer, Mo (Missouri) – 9-17-2011
I was driving home and saw this bright light in the sky. It appeared not to be moving so i pulled over, and just had my foot on my break. when i stopped i noticed that the object was not moving and when the lightning would light up the sky I noticed that it was a round shape object. Then while still in drive my car died. Everything like i had shut off all power to my car.I ended up putting my car in park. as soon as i did the strange object went straight up in the sky and my car turned back on. and the object was no where insight.
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Boulder City, NV (Nevada) – 9/17/2011
Observed red/orange glowing sorta circular object in north east direction appeared to be some distance away. Object hovered around for about 3 minutes while I grabbed my camera. Took one shot while it was still hovering and one heading away from me at a very fast pace. Sorry cannot upload photo at this time.
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Gilbert, Arizona – 09/17/2011
3 strange red orange objects that looked like lights hovering one dissapeared while other shot below at an angle aftering hovering for few seconds and dissaperared all together. It was amazing. I have never been a believer and still cant believe what I saw they were truly UFOs and cannot be explained.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Reynella, South Australia, Australia – 17th September 2011
Last night I went to get something out of my car. I looked up into the sky to see a sight I have never seen before. We have alot of planes fly over us and the sky was clear. I saw a flashing light that was making slight movements in the sky. I quickly raced inside to get my camera. In the first clip you can hear and see a passenger plane and see the UFO. The UFO mainly flashes white and blue, flickering rapidly then blinking on and off. There were several times where I could see a flash of red and a strange reflection (as if the light was glowing against a cloud but there were no clouds). I tried zooming and focusing but I had trouble focusing on the object (I stopped recording several times to adjust my camera settings). The object moved out of sight so I went around the backyard for a! better view. All I could hear was the wind blowing.
I felt that maybe this could be a kite at a near by park so I went for a drive. It then became obvious that this object was at a far distance into the sky. There were many times where the object moved quickly from one place to another (I zoomed out so you can see a reference object such as a light post, trees) After a few minutes driving I pulled over on a quiet street and continued to film. Eventually it shot down and out of sight.
I have uploaded the clips to youtube unedited. If you require the original footage I can upload it direct to you (just took so long to upload to youtube). Great example of fast movement First sighting near a plane You can see red lights at 24 & 42 seconds
View my profile to see the other videos
Hello, I made a submitted a story with links to youtube earlier today. I have since worked on a video where I have taken the best parts out of all my other videos from the 17th September 2011. The slow motion clips show some amazing activity that have stunned me. I have never before seen such activity anywhere online. Please take the time to video this.
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Lansing, Michigan – 15th September 2011
I’ve been seeing strange lights in the sky for several months just in my back yard here in Lansing, MI. I have reported several in the past, but honestly I see them so often that I can’t document and report them all. Plus my wife is very skeptical. But honestly since May I’ve been seeing these triangle shaped lights, sometimes cigar or rod shape, sometimes appearing out of thin air, wobbly movement, very slow at times but can travel a great distance in a blink of an eye. Also until recently I had no coo-berating dwitnesses to attest to my sightings, as my wife is quite skeptical and has poor eye sight. Anyways, I’ve always had trouble getting them on video, tonight around 8:30 pm EST I went outside for a smoke, and saw them as usual in the same general locations I have been seing them. I realized that I had just gotten a new phone that can record 1080p video, so after giving up trying tio capture these objects on video months ago I figured I”d give the camera on my new phone a test drive. I’ve attached are a few videos, I’m sure they will be back again soon.
Youtube video link:
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Bloomington, Illinois – 16-9-2011
It was night myself and my husband were standing in the patio all of a sudden v saw something flying in the sky there were three objects they were coming closer to eachother and moving apart .it lasted for more than 45 min in the sky.I happened to call my neighborand my clsefrindsandinformed them abot thisincident and they all saw it.
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Windsor, North Carolina, United States – 9/16/11
I was driving North on hwy 17 while it was raining and I looked up at the sky and noticed what looked like 2 tiny bright lights side by side. At first I thought it was the moon shining through the clouds because it seemed to fade, but then I knew it couldnt be because there was a clear separation between the two lights. As I kept driving, the light was getting closer to me. I rolled down my window to try to see it better, and when it was right above me I saw that it was 3 lights that seemed to be in a triangle; two in the front and one in the back. The best way i can describe the lights coming from it is that the lights looked similar to the way bright headlights look on a car coming towards you. This makes me think that whatever it was, was pretty low because I could see the glow ! of the lights coming off of it. I could not see it anymore when it was behind me but it was definitly not anything I have ever seen before.
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Blooingdale, IL – september 16th 2011
This is extremely weird and it looks like there a four of them or part of a big ship thy come back together in the middle loos like they interchange places and got at it again and go outward again do a quarter of a circle which direction i think is counterclockwise wise. this has been going on for over 20 minutes, i dot have a camera and its too dark out side for my phone camera o catch any pictures. a the moment its 8 : 51 and its still going on.
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Jacksonville, Florida – 9/16/2011
This light was hovering over Jacksonville,Fl at around 8:40pm on 9/16/2011. Moved really slow and did a loop and took off really fast. I had a hard time aiming my camera phone at it but you can see it at the end of the video. Can any of you professtionals investigate? Unlike anything I have ever seen before.
Video link:
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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada – 16.09.2011
Ok well, I was outside with my daughter on our back porch around 1:40pm today on friday sept. 2011. ,when my daughter noticed an airplane,so I looked up at it and then I see a white object intersecting over or under it.The airplane was pretty high up so I thought it was another plane,but then i noticed it was flashing white I was thinking maybe it was an satalite but it was very bright outside ,also it was very hing up so I know it was not a bird.Is it possible to see satalites during the daytime.
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Hanford st and 18th looking east, Seattle, WA – september, 16, 2011
i turned off 17th street to hanford st. as soon as i turned i saw a bright light so bright and close it look like it was fire with two sections spinning. It was towards the eastern sky. pitch black i went to get my dad cameback out it was gone. the video was ruined by the streetlights. when i came back and seen helicopters around the area thats when i realized how huge it was.
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Rome, Italy – 15/09/2011 ore 22
[direct translate from Italian language] The largest UFO sighting history memories. Hundreds of thousands of objects arranged like a huge flock of birds but with its own light and apparently very high, moving in an intelligent and a very slow rate much lower than by the movement of a flock of birds. I was at the opening of an exhibition design at the center of Rome and with me were hundreds of people. The passage and lasted several minutes, about five, in which infinite objects were escorted by some larger. Despite the naked eye is not able to clearly distinguish the transition back to my phone. They could not be birds, emit their own light, they were accompanied by larger objects, after a slow passage is slow! chin up and eventually disappear probably beyond the ‘Earth’s orbit. their numbers were superior to all military and civil aircraft built by mankind compared to the more numerous images of flottiglias percent must be multiplied, what were they? Why Rome?
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by Norte Vista high SCHOOL Riverside, CA – 9/15/2011
Well it was 2:10 am my wife woke to see that the lights on our tv ,blue ray and surround sound were flickering just like if the power was going out! She woke me up telling me that the lights where doing it again ( this is the second time it has happened followed by a bright greenish light after light was gone power went back to normal.) So she woke me up telling me its doing it again so all I can hear is like a low humming sound. After that lights went back to normal. This Happened in riverside california by Norte Vista high school around 2:00 am on september 15th 2011
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Pontotoc, Mississippi – September 15,2011
We was outside and looked up and seen this flashing red light. It was located in the North side of Pontotoc Mississippi. The colors of this object was red, if you looked close enough, it had green in it, and they was blinking kind of slow. I know it wasn’t a airplane because their was airplanes on the right side of the object. This object was setting still. When we was looking at it, it disappeared and a few minutes later it came back. It did that one more time and we never seen it again. So we went home and my brother called and said that their was another one in the East side of Pontotoc Mississippi. Doing the same thing.
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Running Springs, CA – 9/15/11
I was walking down All View in Running Springs, CA and a huge space shuttle looking thing went across the sky and was gone.
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Murrieta, California – 9/15/11
Saw same firey orange light in the sky that was reported by kcal 9 news on 9/14/11 tonight from murrieta looking towards the south eastern skys around 10pm. Object acted just like what was previously reported on 9/14..
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Phoenix, Arizona – September 15 2011
Between 8:00PM and 9:00PM we were outside on Sept 15th 2011 and I happened to look up and see a red dot in the sky. As I looked at it, the red dot/orb didn’t move. Since we just had seen a bunch of news articles in Phoenix about other “UFOs” (they were green meteors according to the news) the day before, we all went and grabbed our cameras. I happened to have my Canon with a telescopic lens laying nearby from a recent trip, so I started shooting video right away and captured this and another video (will be posted soon). There was a distinct red globe/orb in the sky with a weird glow to it, and in the video you can see that a white object shot off the side of it. I have another video from that night that I’ll be putting up on Youtube in a few days, but as you can see from the c! omments tons of people saw it.
Youtube video link:
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Annville, PA – 09/15/2011
Around 10 pm Thursday 09/15/2011, I was out walking my dog and happened to look up and saw a bright white object that seemingly fell out of the sky. It happened so quick I only caught a glimpse of it. It was probably a meteor of some sorts, but I did not notice a tail on the object. I have seen shooting stars and meteors fall through the sky before, but this looked different because there was no tail. I normally would not have reported this incident except that I have heard about the strange lights being seen in multiple states out west. Unfortunately I have no video or pictures to show what the object looked like, but thought I should report it because of the massive sightings not only in this country, but around the globe.
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North Las Vegas, Nevada – 9/15/11
This was between 7pm and 730pm on Thursday the 15th. I turned onto my street in N. Las Vegas on my scooter. I looked up and saw a green object in the sky. It was moving (I Think) but not too fast. I stared at it for about 10 seconds and then saw a second green light which appeared to shoot from the first. The second light disappeared followed by the first. The disappearance was instant and not a gradual fade away. This all took place within 20 seconds. The green light was solid. It did not change colors and it did not blink.
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Rochester, WA – Wednesday, 14th September 2011
Diving East on Hwy 12 into Rochester looking to our left high in the sky, a very bright orange ball it was cloudy with no stars to see(thinking this was over Capital Forest) followed it for several seconds then transformed into a triangle shape and shot up and vanished ! Wondering if anyone else saw this? Was not able to take photo
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Victorville, Ca – 9/14/2011
I was outside when I noticed a huge craft in the sky. It was dark yet you could see the whole craft…IT WAS HUGE!!!!!! It had one green light on the back and the front one white..the white light was lghtly pulsing. I thought that must be a plane ….but it was so massive, it couldnt be. Not only that but i could see the whole craft and it was dark.. I was about 12 miles from it..I live right by the base so I am use to seeing big weird planes/crafts…but this was nothiing like I have ever seen….
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South Gate, California – 09 14 2011
yes my friend callme and tellme i see ufo over the sky..we was on south gate ca. 90280 main ave & center st. like two hrs after the meteorid i saw the meteorid was so big. sorry my inglish pero estuvo suave. hasta luego.
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Brownwood, TX – 9/14/11
I was running at the park around 9pm. I looked up and saw this thing hovering above the trees. It had a row of windows that were lit up with a yellowish/orange glow. I watched it for a minute and it suddenly dissapeared. I ran some more laps and it appeared again but in a different area. It stayed for a few seconds and was gone once more. I could not believe what i had seen. I know it sounds crazy, but belive ME I was a skeptic like you.
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Ballinger, TX – Sept 14 2011
I wasn’t there they say there was a loud noise like an explosion and someone took a video it’s on you tube just type Ballinger, TX and you’ll see it
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Phoenix (west Phoenix), Arizona – September 14, 2011
My brother and I seen a ufo on wednesday september 14, 2011 but it was not this one and it was not the other sighting that was reported i can draw it and i can describe it. We both seen it and we tried to record and take pictures of it but it was too far away for the phone and ipod to record.
I live on 83rd avenue and buckeye in phoenix, we were outside and ive been looking up in the sky and i noticed a pulsating light. i called my brother and it caught his attention as is moved across the sky the lights looked like plane lights they kept changing. but then as it got farther (south side phoenix area) the lights changed again and it turned into one big light then three little lights and that was its pattern. it got to far and we couldnt see it anymore but that is what we saw. it is not reported anywhere else.
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Lake Havasu City, Arizona – september 14, 2011
i saw a blueish green light streak across our lake and disappear. But then noticed it again going the other direction about 5 minutes later and then back again but when in came by the 3rd time i noticed it on fire and dropped out of the sky. Later i saw three lights hovering but the lights were spaced exactly the same and after i saw military personale flying around the area where it seamed to have fallen.
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Fort Wayne, Indiana – 9/14/11
My 15-year-old son came flying out of his bed at 10:30 PM last night to say he saw a very bright (“brighter than the moon”) object in the sky that moved horizontally and then disappeared. Today we see reports of sightings in Arizona. Thought you may be interested to hear about what we saw in Indiana.
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Hammond, New York – 9/14/2011
Saw a bright amber, whitish light at about 11pm on 9/14/2011. Was in a boat fishing on black lake. A round ball appeared in the eastern sky at about a 40 degree angle. It seemed to sit still for about 2 seconds and then seemed to move straight away and got smaller until it disappeared. The weather was cloudy and windy.
Mike P
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Sheffield, UK – 14th September 2011
Last night while standing in the back garden my partner and i were looking at the stars when we saw one moving, it was shooting along the sky then changing direction and going back to its original spot. After scanning the skys we saw around 6 objects doing the same thing. They looked as small as stars but after researching this online I found out that stars cannot move in this way.
I got very nervous when i seen so many.
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Birmingham, UK – 14/09/11
Hi all, last night (14/09/11) at approximately 10.15 pm, there was a live piece-to-camera by the political editor, Tom Bradby, outside the Houses of Parliament on the News at Ten. A minute or so into his report, a large, glowing white object shot out from behind Big Ben. I cannot be sure as to what it was, but it was strange, to say the least. I recorded it on my sky+ box, but have no way to upload it to the site. It would be nice to find out if anyone else saw this. Thank you.
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Springer, Oklahoma – September 13, 2011
About eleven i was on my way home from work and i see a flash of aqua blue lights (not plane or helicopter color) it was bright and circling in the field behind my house but would kimd of hover every now and then, actually had ALL the dogs in springer barking. Springers out in the country so i was curious if i was the only one noticing this so i posted on facebook trying to see who else seen this and about three other people seen it from different parts of oklahoma and texas!
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I have been calling them to come to me – 09/13/11
I have seen them before 3 times before. Mexico, zacatecas, diamond mothership, aground tremble bright light diamond shape, glides to canyons. seems to land then triangles come out, neon green outline, they seem to play in the sky then turn into white/yellow balls with a red tail or fire.
Next at Playa Vista, CA, at the beach, a light appeared behind clouds at night.1991/2 right at the start of the deeper part of the ocean. Then a light slowing glowed down like an elevator. about 20 people out starting running from it I froze. Until friend came back for me. Then the light went out then red small planes were passing over same spot. During this time the planes didnt pass by. Then was reported an experiment from the local military base towards camarillo ca. But y would they choose to do it where the planes take off and at the edge of the water where there are nice beach mansions. It doesnt make sense.
Then I was on my way to a wedding and was on the grapevine I-5 freeway going north to Chico Ca with a caravan of five autos. Mini aircrafts, about 3 to five, that looked too small to man people but too large for remote control were playing on the side of the road following us while they would fly around and then fly staight up and then strait down like they were going to crash but then would park. Edwards Airforce base was probably somewhere not too far I thought, it just didnt make sense they would follow autos on a highway and play games by the side of the highway when the desert was there. the aircraft looked a little like a mini stealth bomber with a spot for a head, red light glowing outlining the crafts. They would also fly very close to each other at fast speeds. The followed up for about 30 minutes. Not all followed the whole way that is why I dont remember if there were 3 or five.
I saw them all with a full or round moon. It is when choosing to stare at the moon that they appear.
I talked about it this week and meditated for them to come. coincidentally my phone said call rejected by network on various calls and then went dead on 9/13/11 after 9 pm. I had to replace the SIM card on 9/14/11 as no one could make it work and couldnt explain why. I work as an Hr personnel at a wireless telecommunications engineerings and consulting company, Our employees are hightech and couldnt figure it out.
No pictures sorry, just thought I’d share my story.
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London, UK – 13/09/2011
As you may remember my previous videos I’ve posted back in August & September, here is “Part 2”. 3min HD.
More information about this event you’ll be able to find by reading description in “Part 1”
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Chandler, AZ – 9/13/11
For the last month I have been seeing a big bright light staying in one place for long periods of time; around it were small spheres with red and green flashin lights. The objects go side wasy and in a zig zag pattern. At first I thought the bigger bright sphere was a helicopter, but now I don’t think so. I know AZ has had UFO sitings before, but everyone debunks them; I think there is something out there. Both my wife and I have seen them; we are locatd near the San Tan Mountains and Hunt Hwy.
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Today 13.09.2011 I was recording ISS Live webcam, and at 18:54 GMT have recorded Russian cosmonaut talking about UFO:
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Between Slinger and West Bend WI – Sept 12, 2011
I was glancing out the window on the side of our house facing the west, when I seen a bright object in the sky. At first I thought it was just a plane, but then when I looked again, it wasn’t moving, and did not move. I grabbed some binoculars, and seen bright lights, like squiggly streaks of bright lights moving kind of wildly around that light, making different shapes, non of any kind of pattern. There are no towers that high, and I don’t know if it could be a satellite? Just something that really got my attention. I never seen anything like that before. It was just a bright light with alittle bright color on the object, when you look at it without any aid. The time was about 10:05 pm.
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Fresno, California – September 12, 2011
at 1:30 am in september 12 me and three friends were standing on the front porch of their house smoking cigarettes when we heard a loud jet engine like noise that started up instantly then we walked out to see the sky and all we could see above us was 7 to 10 red lights blinking randomly it was about 300 to 500 feet long and about 100 to 200 feet off the ground.we could not see any structure that the lights could be attached to it looked completely invisible.we followed it for about 7 minutes on foot
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Fort Sadkatchewan, Alberta – September 12, 2011
We live in Sturgeon County, which is 10 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta. My husband and I were sitting out on our deck at around 10:30pm when we saw in the eastern sky what we thought was the first star of the evening – and It was bright. Because of Its brightness, at first we thought it must be a satellite. But very soon It started to move in the sky in our direction. It traveled extremely slowly. Judging by the 3 ramdom planes that flew by during the sighting – at a much lower altitude – this thing was Huge! As it got closer to where we were It got distinctly loud. It sounded like fuel burning off, kind of what an jet plane getting ready for takeoff might sound like – only this object was at least a mile up in the sky. It got maybe 10 miles from where we were at and then it s! lowly went higher into the atmosphere (guessing 4-5 miles). We could still faintly hear the roar of what we assume was the engine. It got to the 5 (?) miles height and then it just sat there. Not moving in any direction. It did seem to be bobbing slightly though (what a hummingbird might do at a flower) moving ever so slightly within it’s spot. Weird! We stayed watching it to see what it might do until 11:20pm. At that time we just went to bed because it just ‘sat’ there, hovering. No pics. The ones I took just look like a tiny white fleck in the dark. Not a great quality camera.
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Willard Parkway – 9-11-11
We were on the third floor of our apartment complex and I noticed something that looked odd. It was a ship pretty far out and it was just 5 horizontal lights going right to left. It was just hovering and wasn’t even moving. Then after about two minutes it started hovering down and to the left while still staying in its horizontal position. Then the lights shifted to a pattern that looked like this.
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. And then it grew really bright and turned into two red lights that were blinking, and now it looks like this. . That’s when it started to go really fast at a really low altitude. It .
went to the west and then after about three minutes it took off to the east and then went straight away from us, and that was it. It was a complete switch from hovering to flying fast, and east to west to east. I am completely astonished by how amazingly weird this was. I am telling the truth and i have three other witnesses to back me up.
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Soccer field Norfolk Ne. – 9-11-11
Was approx. 1:30pm at my kids outdoor soccer game. The guy next to me commented on something in the sky. Looked up to see a vertical rectangular shaped object stationary in the sky.It appeared to be quite high and quite large. It was bright white in color. Stayed stationary for approx. 10 min. despite a mild breeze (5-10mph) then slowly moved to the northeast. It was high enough that it never went behind trees/buildings. Eventually disapearing after 10 min. of moving away. It remained in a vertical rectangular position entire time. Never rolled or rocked. Did appear to rotate slowly at times. I have no explanation for what I saw. Neither did the approx. 5 other people who saw it.
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Southeast Bellevue, Wa state – Sept. 11 2011
My fiance and I saw what we thought was a star. It was around 10 pm on Sept 11th and it was in the North Sky. It was the largest star in the sky and had a tint of yellow to it. We both thought that it was odd and watched it for at least two hours. It didn’t appear to be moving. The next night we looked in the sky and it wasn’t there! I checked online to see if there was some natural explanation and I couldn’t find anything.
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Washingtonville, NY – 9/11/11
i was out on the deck with my Girlfriend smoking and all of a sudden i saw a brilliant light come up through the trees. It was in the northern sky between 7 and 8 p.m. and at first seemed to head towards the south. i thought it was a plane or helicopter at first but the light was different. it stopped for a minute and then switched directions and then headed northeast and then vanished.
we watched this the entire time until yet another light came up through the trees and into the sky. This time my son had joined us and asked what the light was. the second light almost mimicked the first one with the exception that it stayed in one spot longer than the other. i should have grabbed my cell phone to videotape but i was mesmerized and excited. i sat for almost an hour waiting to see if another one would appear but no luck.
i am a veteran of the US Army and am familiar with flares and aircraft – these did not take on any familiar characteristics of anything i have ever seen before.
there is an Air Force base close by (Newburgh)but again it was unexplainable.
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Bronx, New York – 9-11-2011
Hello I just saw this incredible thing which at first i thought was an airplane on the anniversary of 911 (yesterday night).i just uploaded it to youtube today. Please put it up it was amazing. here is the link
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Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, Niagara Falls, New York United States – September 10, 2011
We were at the Thunder Over Niagara Air Show Saturday September 10, 2011. I used my cell phone to video a F18’s flight maneuvers. The next day I ran into a friend who said he saw something unusual on his video from the show (his frame captures are quite spectacular, and he showed it to me. When I went home I pulled up all my videos and found one where the black object starts directly above the aircraft, disappears and then shoots across the screen from right to left below the aircraft and the second where it appears like a white ghostly object darts diagonally across the right side of the screen. It does does not appear to be a light reflection on the camera to me, but it is odd. On both it all happens within a few frames of actual video.
Peter S
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Winona, MN (Minnesota) – September 10, 2011
I saw the same UFO over Winona, Minnesota as the video on your web site of Aztec, NM.
Without my glasses, it was kind of T-Shaped, like a hot air balloon, or a T-bone steak, with a bright middle and top, and then a hint on the sides. I noticed it when I pulled into my folk’s driveway and I thought it was Jupiter, but it was bigger and red. It was below the planet. Then I thought it was a helicopter or blimp, but there was no sound.
It was roughly 5 degrees to the lower-left of Jupiter in the ENE sky, and moved to the right directly below Jupiter and got larger. It then moved to the left, got smaller and vanished. I watched for 15 minutes and it appeared again. I walked to the corner and there was a guy at a house party and I asked him what it was and he didn’t know either. It flew a similar pattern and disappeared. I woke my Mom around 1:50AM and she came out to look, but it didn’t appear again.
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Mill Hill, London UK – 09/09/2011
ufo’s spotted over Mill Hill London. Red lights white lights hovering in the sky in a triangle formation. Milatary air crafts were following. My phone could not pick up the red lights, but got one white light on my phone.
Video link:
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Durango, Colorado – 9/8/11
I was sitting on my south facing patio on the evening of September 8, 2011, when one of the four adults present there noticed a very bright light directly to the south. The time was around 6-7pm, and it was still light out, so it was not a star. It was much much brighter than any stars, even at night. So, I grabed my binoculars and looked at the object. It was three circles that formed a very tight triangle, exactly like the picture from the 9/8/11 Aztec, NM report. (Aztec is only roughly 35 miles from my house). Within 10 min the object went from very bright and easily discernable by the naked eye, and grew smaller and fainter very rapidly. Within 10 minutes there was no sign of the object.
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Fortuna, California – 9/8/2011
I live here in Fortuna CA.Ive been seeing these lights and ships for over a year.But the other night i saw something that scared me .There was a thing about 50 feet or more big,20 to 30 feet wide ,hazy and almost invisible.It took the shape of a big bird or a flying reptile with wings.I know it probably was a ship.I see them looking like stars and hovering for hours over my house even after the other stars have moved.They also try to blend in when flying by putting on white and red blinkin lights.Sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night and their still hovering over my place.They shoot out lights at times red and white.Like orbs and shooting stars going up.Well i hope this helps someone else that may be going though it.
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Bloomingburg, NY – September 2011
I’m not sure what this could be but i went outside of my home here
in Bloomingburg, NY and saw some light up in the sky and figured I should take
a picture of it… So I took a few pictures and this is what I found …
These were taken with a Samsung TL105 4.9- 19.6mm 1:3.2-5.9 27.5mm Digital Camera.
Josephine C
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UFOs at Bangkok, Thailand – Aug 23,2011
UFO phenomenon seen in Bangkok was very difficult as it is called. But for me there. Been found to have at least 10 times. And this is one experience I found theme again.
And still another times soon.
Youtube video link:
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Tumby Bay SA (South Australia) – May 2011
There were three adults and a child non of us saw it or heard it. The next time i down loaded from my camera i saw the object i caught it in a number of shots with it in different locations with-out once noticing it. After using the xl scale app. i was able to discern its size from three different shots, when i played with the infrared i discovered a heat signature in the centre. In the best and closest pic we are looking directly at it and we don’t notice it pretty disturbing an object of this size virtually invisible.
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F-Highway in between Passaic and Amsterdam, Missouri – mid aug 2010
We were checking out bridges and culvert’s along the route and doing a few roads photographically. The third large bridge on F highway had some tall weeds, but a path was clearly and widely established through them down to the water, on the other side there was a slope of rick and a single crushed green plastic bottle marked the area. I was on the side of the bridge heading back east towards home, and Lori slowed for me to get out and try to cover as much of the area from the bridge corners as possible.I was using a sign to stabilize position near the slope, leaning out getting shots beneath the bridge , of the banks and the water.
I heard noise by the water , but was unsure because a semi truck had just passed.
I shot images in that direction, anyway seeing nothing. The reason i didnt was because it was just out of sight , out of the full range of the cameras flash, i guess. I finished covering the area went home and downloaded the images taken that night. I open each photo in windows photo gallery, and when i got to this one i almost deleted it. I saw a hint of something in the upper left hand corner, and lightened the image using the control about a centimeter, it was enough to see the face, We went back the following day in day light, and found no trace except beaten down brush at the waters edge that fit the location of the figure.
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Princess anne rd towards knotts Island near the border of Va and NC right next to the sound – june 28, 2010
I did not even see them when I took the pictur with my cell phone while driving I though the sunset was pretty. When I looked and the picture blown up to full size I noticed 2 objects in the sky.
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Syracuse, NY (Google Maps) – 2009
Here is something that I found in my daily work that caught me off guard. Not sure what to make of it:

To Peter of Az: I live in north phoenix and also noticed the bright stationary object in the sky. At first it looked like a falling asteroid but I think I was still waking up. Anyways I opened a constellations app on my phone in which it appears the object was Mars but who knows. I've never seen a planet that bright before.
Dear?<br />Jag och En vän var på ett kalhygge vid Malung bortom bebyggelsen precis hon på skeppet sa att hon var det Semjase och var det svett upp 40 meter ifrån det var mitt i natten och hon hade också samtidigt som hon visade sig En illusion att<br />månen var större och närmare henes skepp skiftade i energin i det grönt blått rött orange gult och dolde då metallen vi såg på i 10 minuter och
Thank each of you for the stories ! Special Note: Dear"FERNANDO in RIVERSIDE", Liked your story!(Have to share some strange info.–Even though there have been sci-fi movies about scarey Green Fog,this Doesn't mean it's NOT real.Time/space portals appear from thin air.Green Fog,or, Green Lights have Magnetic qualities.They may also bring people or things from the past to our time
Hi Peter in Tucson, <br /><br />Your times line up exactly with my times for the same event as seen from Phoenix. The actual events, the splitting and changing shapes all concur with mine and my wife's observations. When I first noticed the "star" I immediately called my wife to wake her so she would not miss this. While we were on the phone she broke our Stelarium program to
Last night, 9-18-11, both myself and another person observed a light hovering in the sky for at least two hours. It would move a little to the left, then a little to the right. Back and Forth. It had a small red light that would flash randomly to the side of it. We are in Ukiah, CA in Mendocino County which is about two hours north of San Francisco. The light was east of us perhaps over Lake
My husband and I also saw the Gilbert, AZ sighting on 9/17 but we saw up to 4 lights in the West. Eventually the 4th disappeared and a 5th appeared (unless the 4th moved before re-appearing). Because we were driving, our view wasn't always clear, but the last orb I saw was alone and very low before it eventually distinguished).