A great Ufo sighitng come from the France. There are some Ufos taken from an airplane. The witness was on the Airbus A320 Airfrance, he took three photos out the airplane to landscape. In a first time, he saw nothing. Only later, reviewing the photos, the witness noticed the UFO. Accordin to Angelo Carannante, the manager of CUBMGC (Centro Ufologico di Benevento Mars Group Campano) and CUFOM (Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo), it’s a behavior, which recently, is very common. Carannante claims: “Seems that Ufo have change tactics. This is a very interesting sighting. In a first time I and the analyst images Carmine Silvestri, we thought was a reflection. More details are on the website www.centroufologicobenevento.com (video is avaliable below!)

Thats all very well to recommend a visit to the website, but what if you can't read Italian?
maybe no one wants to listen to YOUR rattle MATEY
This is not a ufo but an airplane. See the following vid at YouTube 1:43<br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9vj1yDnqig<br />New World Order Secret Deep Underground Military Bases [D U M B s]