I cannot believe that these fancy crop circles are made by humans.<br /><br />Whether Alien, or hidden Earthly super beings create them, I wouldn't know, but a few normal humans would be hard pressed to make this fancy design in a few hours of darkness to this precision without being seen, or discovered.<br /><br />I'm sure the farmer is not amused!
I agree. Some of the designs are so elaborate that the would need to be done during daylight with a helicopter hovering constantly to guide the people making them.
I cannot believe that these fancy crop circles are made by humans.<br /><br />Whether Alien, or hidden Earthly super beings create them, I wouldn't know, but a few normal humans would be hard pressed to make this fancy design in a few hours of darkness to this precision without being seen, or discovered.<br /><br />I'm sure the farmer is not amused!
I agree. Some of the designs are so elaborate that the would need to be done during daylight with a helicopter hovering constantly to guide the people making them.
French Crop circle.<br /><br />Looks like an Alien face just above and to the right of the circle