New footage of a multiple lights in the sky above Las Vegas, Nevada.
Witness report: I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of January 28, 2018. I’ll keep it short by saying that “UFO Tourists” would probably be far better off watching Nellis Air Force Base instead of wasting gas, money, time and energy going out to Area 51 to try and see UFOs. Whoever puts these amazing things in the sky must laugh their rear ends off knowing that the overwhelming majority of people have no idea what’s going on right here in their own backyard and under their noses. It’s true that the best place to hide something is in plain sight. I am definitely not the only person who is aware of what goes on at Nellis.
Source (Steven Barone @ Youtube)
Awesome video,I agree with you. As far as staying near the Air base. Given, that Our goverment. Has been working with at least. A half dozen exterrastial species. That have been giving us some of their technology. There are alot of UFO sightings. That have been reversed enginnered. And they are using. Using different goverment bases.For the testing of these vechicles. It must be interesting,to observe these objects.Almost on a weekly basis.
Steven,you have a Great site.Wishing you continued success,in 2018.
The multiple lights almost resemble a TR3B
airplane lights people, dam.
Truth… Not technology from this planet… Just like Minot,ND in the 1950’s and 1960’S.