NASA’s Curiosity rover has captured a photograph of a mysterious bright glow on a distant hillside on Mars.
The black and white picture shows the landscape of the desert with high rocky hills in the background.
A little elongated white blob seems to be streaking past in front of the larger rock formations.
The image was taken on June 16, and conspiracy theorists have said the picture is evidence of aliens on the Red Planet.
The probe, which landed on the Martian surface in 2012, is armed with 17 cameras. It has since roamed all over Mars, beaming back large amounts of data along with vast quantities of photos.
On its mast, the rover has two mounted navcams, which look like eyes. The right navcam captured the image in question, but the left camera was not looking in a similar direction.
The appearance of the unidentified white blob has been rapid as it disappears in photos taken immediately before and after.
In 2014, another bright spot in photographs captured by the rover made headlines, and people claimed it was light from an alien hut.

The Rover has been on Mars for seven years; who has been cleaning the dust off of the lenses?
Clearly it’s a rocky service and while rolling around up there the probe is likely kicking up dust that would obstruct the clarity of all those camera lenses.
I’m told NASA says:”the wind is blowing the dust off!”
If this were true, why doesn’t dust just get blown off my windshield and my car when I drive around.
Yet those pictures keep coming back with the clarity to catch an object moving at such high speed that only one “eye” captured the image.
Are we seeing the technology of another species? Have our leaders at NASA made contact with ET’S and they’re working with us, already?
If so, keep it up! Who is ever responsible for maintaining those lenses under such harsh conditions is doing an amazing job!
When your done out there on the Red Planet; would you please clean my car Windows next?
Thanks for your typically and naively comment.
You either can’t imagine situations grounded on truth or you just ignore all the outcomes at all.
You are funny, but if you do not know how to clean your car’s windows from dust, then it makes no any sense to keep on reading your senseless lines.
Maybe you take pride of place in a place of nowhere, but that’s unimportant, as you possibly could imagine. Excellent wasted time you have spent…….
And for sure, you have ‘enriched’ all the community ;-|
I am Sorry but I don’t see anything in that picture. I see one has a circle on it but I see nothing in the circle ether.
I’m am happy to know that I’ve “enriched all the community”!
I’m thinking of several things when I posted this comment.
The first is the UFO researcher from Mexico when he said: here is a picture of a woman walking across the serfice of the red planet. That “woman” looked to me like a bigfoot. Also in that group of photos was what looked like a shelter made of small boulders.
Second, I had a conversation with the head of MUFON (Minasota & Wisconsin) who says “those creatures are being used in mining opperations”. I’ll Refer you to a photograph of a large rock in the asteroid belt that was sent to me (that is brightly lit up), as viewed by one of our telescopes. Someone is working out there on that rock “mining”?
Third, there is a military video that surfaced just after Mount St. Helons blew it’s top in the 1980’s. There is a military officer escorting a Bigfoot. That creature is calling out in various areas of the mountain searching for servivors of his kind who frequented that mountain.
The creatures that were beyond help were being dispatched by another military officer with a pistol. The ones deemed saveable by the bigfoot commander, were being brought to a military triage tent that was set up a safe distance from the sight of the explosion.
I can extrapolate from these different events that I’ve witnessed via interview and by video.
The first is our officer was clearly communicating with another advanced and intellectually superior species and was working along side them.
The second is that the leader of MUFON probably knows a thing or two that the general public doesn’t.
Thirdly, that creature walking across the surface of mars wasn’t a woman but a female Bigfoot. If you study their mannerisms long enough, such as the way they walk, going back to the first and most famous female bigfoot video from out west, there is no doubt about it!
I’ll say it again: there is no way possible under those harsh conditions on the Red Planet, that those camera lenses (not to mention the glass for the solar panels to charge the batteries) are remaining so perfectly pristine as to capture images of that high quality (and still send them back to Earth) for that length of time.
Even NASA only expected the rover to work for a short time and it has way outperformed even what the expert’s thought possible.
Don’t shoot the messenger here. I’ve been studying these things for more than thirty years. It all ads up to this: (thankfully) we are being aided by many exterterestial species some kind some not.
I’m not complaining here; the good ones are doing an amazing job assisting us with our pathetic human condition.
We really need the help. From what I see,
the Earth has passed the point of no return
with climate change, pollution and population. We need to start thinking out of the box and fast.
Let’s set our egos aside and humbly ask for help.
If we continue on our current course, our planet will be burnt up and we will all perish in our own corruption.
ps I fail to see my nativity here; it’s more like common sense. I’m just putting some of the pieces of the puzzle togther.
These things are being hidden from us by our leaders because they want to be the ones in control. It’s arrogant; plane and simple. Also it’s not working!
My advice for you “human soul” is for you to do some searching, study, research and do it fast; before you too utterly perish in your own pathetic corruption and naivativity!
@Peter John Weinrauch
” Don’t shoot the messenger here. I’ve been studying these things for more than thirty years. It all ads up to this: (thankfully) we are being aided by many exterterestial species some kind some not.
I’m not complaining here; the good ones are doing an amazing job assisting us with our pathetic human condition.
We really need the help. From what I see,
the Earth has passed the point of no return
with climate change, pollution and population. We need to start thinking out of the box and fast.
Let’s set our egos aside and humbly ask for help.
If we continue on our current course, our planet will be burnt up and we will all perish in our own corruption.
ps I fail to see my nativity here; it’s more like common sense. I’m just putting some of the pieces of the puzzle togther.
These things are being hidden from us by our leaders because they want to be the ones in control. It’s arrogant; plane and simple. Also it’s not working!
My advice for you “human soul” is for you to do some searching, study, research and do it fast; before you too utterly perish in your own pathetic corruption and naivativity!”
When reading your lines, I realized that you are a bit ‘older soul’ in range of life itself.
The more I wondered your lines about
“My advice for you “human soul” is for you to do some searching, study, research and do it fast;”
You seem to think about me as a clueless and naive living human.
Don’t know how you came to this strange bottom line.
Truth is a bit beyond your (ordinary humanly understanding).
I’m not such a brainwashed and stupid soul, in contrary,
I did and do live in totally truth and reality, which may rise up some questions from your side.
So over the years I just ‘fade out’ stupid speeches, lies, claims, and other ridiculous statements, in which those souls try to show an ‘image’ as to be one of the ‘herd’ of brainwashed fools.
If you feel strong enough to give me an advice – then I need to tell you that your ‘advice’ is missing facts and missing truth.
And be SURE that I can judge this perfectly!
You seemingly do mix up ‘your truth’ with real truth, but that’s only your imagination.
To make a long story short:
If you claim regarding your lines:
“I’m just putting some of the pieces of the puzzle togther.”
then I would really urge you to DO that!!!!
OR – should I DO that instead you yourself????
THIS is far from being any joke – so far I speak with a ‘knowing soul’ – you know?
Tell your ‘puzzles’ and tell your answers to the puzzles.
Tell something, if you have not found any answers.
And be quiet to tell me how the cosmos probably works.
YOU at least have no idea, as I realised by reading your lines……
I am a living soul since plenty of lives.
I have got evidence for that.
I can see thousand times deeper into humans destiny as you ever have.
And I do KNOW even higher realms – whatever you may think about it.
No, no empty speeches, only talking truth.
So think about all this – as I recommend to you.
Sure, I’m not your enemy.
It’s more the contrary, but maybe –
it’s too hard for you to just realise all this……
See me as a friendly soul – then you are right.
@Peter John Weinrauch
Now I see you – so far – in silence.
Maybe you want to talk about Mars-incidents, that would be a very other topic.
Meanwhile I told you about some very different topics, in deeper view they fit together.
It is absolutely not my task to tell people the ‘assumed’ truth, spreaded out in web-sites and media.
Sure, I follow those ‘messages’, at least from time to time.
But that does not mean to ‘eat’ any of the many and questionable ‘news’.
Why? Because truth itself – you cannot find in special (sometimes very good hidden web-sites),
truth you can only find in self experienced and real incidents.
And only THEN you know truth – at least a bit of it.
If you ask about my lines and why and what, then I tell you, dear soul,
there is very much for you to explore, and that IS truth.
I could ask, what you possibly know(!) about ‘space’, about ‘beings out there’, about ‘higher dimensions’, about ‘time’ and about ‘travelling – better – been sent into several ‘times’ – literally, been sent into very important sceneries”, so to say in short,
what have you experienced ever in your life, which was so astounded, that nobody would ‘believe’ of what you have experienced in real?
Oh yes, regarding me, there were countless ‘experiences’ from childhood until NOW. You believe or not:
I saw several UFOs from far to very close, one UFO even followed me over twenty minutes when I drove my motorbike through the night, in early childhood I saw for the first time beings from higher dimensions, usually called Angels, which they really are.
Later I came again in contact with Angels, even one Angel visited me LIVE in my rooms – 2003 !!!!
Same is with so called ‘ETs’, they visited me in 1998 in my rooms, unwanted and unexpected. Members of two different groups, one was the Greys, five beings stood in my living-room…
I have so strong and love-grounded connections to beings from higher dimensions, that I can tell you that none of these incidents you can’t just imagine, because it would be too much for your ‘brain’ to just realise what happens…..
You would simply break down, completely.
Okay, want to note here, that since a time I am busy to write a book, which contains all the incidents, real (the most) and telepathic connections, conversations containing the ‘talks’ itself, same as the outcome, the results of all this.
Now – you can compare your ‘small area of realising your so called truth’ with areas which you never have touched, which is the real truth, including times, beings, meetings and conversations…….
And now I see you sinking down to the floor.
And that is very okay.
I wrote all this within minutes, and I have not re-read my lines.
I do know that it is good and okay.
Because I am in truth – all my life.
Please understand, that your possible and upcoming questions I cannot tell HERE on this so cheap website, where even the ‘owner’ remains as an ‘unkown’ soul, as you possible have noted.
I wish you a good time and a good life anyway…….
Good Bye now
@Peter John Weinrauch
To finish here the cheap conversations, which was been started from your side (copy in):
“…I’m told NASA says:”the wind is blowing the dust off!”
If this were true, why doesn’t dust just get blown off my windshield and my car when I drive around…”
So with your statement you showed your naivety. You could have searched for real weather conditions on Mars, but you obviously did not. But telling cheap lines you are able to write anyway.
You are unaccepted therefore because missing truth and honesty.
It is a hard work for you to make your own research, so you prefer to tell some so called ‘news’, copied from other websites. The point is:
You have NO any own experience for finding out truth, instead you spread out really cheap claims – with the hope that preferably many people will ‘follow’ your so cheap and low-minded claims –
But as you can see – the fact is the totally opposite.
I see you as a bit blind, so to say.
To tell ME (copy in):
“My advice for you “human soul” is for you to do some searching, study, research”
Only a clueless and naive soul would tell that to me.
I could bring you easily down by just presenting all the material, excellent HD-photos and videos which I have stored, so excellent super high HD-photos that you would just be silent, and only breathing.
But that’s far from your first sent and naive ‘comment’ – a short and not intelligent ‘collection’ of ‘half-truth’ or even fairy-tales.
You felt good with it – until now.
And now you begin to regret your overhasty written lines, I am even able to look into your heart just right now.
And that is why you are in silence – so unexpected and suddenly.
You are really not that cool as you wanted to show.
And be honest, you really have NO any idea about weather-conditions of Mars, and you cannot imagine the real conditions, therefore you told rubbish.
Your lousy car screen wipers were so important to talk about?
Your wipers are very cheap ‘parts’ of a likewise cheap so called ‘car’.
In universe you won’t be able to find ANY being which would be ready to listen only to your so cheap and underdeveloped speeches. Be sure.
YOU – at least – have NO any idea of any topic regarding space, beings and rules.
That’s the sad truth – but as always I wish you big success to change your so sad situation……. With greetings from beyond
I feel i have gone down the Rabbit Hole again.
You KNOW where your comment must been sent to!!!
And regarding your mentioned ‘Rabbit Whole’:
WHY you came out of that hole and why you just don’t go back there?
You easily can see the situation, but you start to complain…….
as a well known behaviour from ‘humans’
This, for sure, is really recommended for a soul like you.
To not mix up:
It is NOT your feeling that told you to do something,
more it is your clear realisation, where you came from and where you go to – again.
All that in summary is just not appreciated, as you possibly know.
You do not tell something to bring more truth or more clearness into the whole situation, instead you tell some unwanted ‘own ideas’ here.
NO any living soul just wait for your superflous so called ‘comments’ have you got it?
Reality – what a so strange term it is for you.
Nobody can help you out for to realise, but yourself.
So – fianlly begin to see truth and reality, I tell you.
And >STOP telling any unwanted and clueless speculations telling here,
is it clear enough for a soul like you to get it?
Fine, otherwise we will go into more and more complicated ‘struggle’ – but YOU will be the one who loose.
Because your tiny ‘light’ and ‘knowledge’.
That’s the sad truth, but it was in your hands all over the time.
Now, as you may realise, all this will come to an end.
No any living soul, simple humans, do not wait your stupid lines, instead they long for a better living, but you are proud enough to just ‘spare out’ the so precious lines.
Have you ever seen into a face of a so sweet child, when it is in never ending hunger?
I was there, right IN their situation, visited them, have met the chief, which was a woman, have got even their blessings, only hardly I was able to leave them. They tried to follow me on my way to go away, but soon I just vanished.
So in summary, Amy, think about what I wrote to you.
It is truth, however you may look at all this.
And please, whenever you want to write a so called ‘statement’ – do it in honesty! Do it in describing the whole situation instead of writing lines like:
“I feel i have gone down the Rabbit Hole again”
because you spread out an image of yourself to be an idiot, which you are not.
Coming just back here and to see your silence.
The silence of those two ‘figures’:
– Peter John Weinrauch
– Amy Blatt
The first one wrote (copy in) about:
“why doesn’t dust just get blown off my windshield and my car when I drive around”
meanwhile the 2nd one wrote (copy in) about:
“I feel i have gone down the Rabbit Hole again.”
So far I thought I speak with so called intelligent people here inside the web-site.
But now I have my doubts.
It is not accepted if you write any childish and naively lines here like you did.
You can do better by either writing some real lines in honesty or – you better be quiet.
Bye now………