A collection of 30,000 documents was donated to the University of Manitoba in Canada by a private UFO enthusiast.
The skies of northern Canada are UFO hotspots, with many mysterious phenomena being reported. Now, alien truth seekers may have a busy winter ahead of them at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, thanks to the recent donation of over 30,000 UFO-related files to the school’s archives, courtesy of Chris Rutkowski.
Rutkowski is a Canadian science writer and prolific ufologist. His collection includes over 20,000 UFO reports documented over the past 30 years and over 10,000 UFO-related files from the Canadian government. Several of these files concern an infamous Falcon Lake incident, a UFO encounter that Rutkowski considers Canada’s best-documented UFO case.
For Rutkowski, the Falcon Lake incident even beats Roswell because the U.S. still does not recognize that anything happened over New Mexico. Meanwhile, the Falcon Lake incident struck both Canadian and U.S. officials as unexplainable and unusual.
The incident happened on May 20, 1967, when amateur geologist Stefan Michalak was looking for quartz near Falcon Lake in Manitoba, a Canadian province that starts over above North Dakota and stretches almost 800 miles into the frigid north. A flock of agitated geese swopping past him startled Michalak. The geese were reportedly fleeing from two glowing, cigar-shaped objects flying in the sky. One of the objects eventually flew off, and the other landed nearby on a rocky terrace.

Michalak decided to spend some time sketching the strange craft, and those sketches are now part of the University of Manitoba’s collection. After drawing, Michalak came closer to it. He felt the warm air and smelled sulfur and heard the whirrs and hisses of the craft. Michalak then touched the craft, but it was so hot that it burned the tips of his gloves. He seemed to hear voices coming from within.
Michalak looked into the craft through an open door, expecting to see a team of American military pilots. However, he saw little more than a panel of blinking lights before the door closed. The craft then rotated, and a grid-like pattern of small holes in the exterior of the ship sprayed his abdomen with scorching-hot gas.
Michalak’s shirt and hat were on fire because of the attack, which left him with first-degree burns on his stomach that looked similar to the ship’s grid-like pattern. His injuries were treated in a hospital in Winnipeg. They were later rose into welts, and he experienced headaches, blackouts, and diarrhea for a couple of weeks. Michalak reported the incident to both Canadian and U.S. authorities and eventually completed a psychological and physical evaluation at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, which determined him to be of sound mind and not hallucinating.
Years after the incident, a twisted piece of metal was reportedly recovered from the Falcon Lake landing site. The metal was found to be highly radioactive in several tests. Until today, neither the U.S. nor the Canadian military has been able to explain the event.

I wonder where this person got all that information? Is anybody able to access this information? Is there a email address or website where we can access this information?
all you UFO space junkies lets digress for a little while and change the subject to that heavenly body THE MOON , has anyone ever given this mindblowing assumption any thought if the moon is supposed to be hollow as a lot of geologists believe and what happened to the planet that was in the place the moon resides in now could it have been brought here by way of stargates or wormholes and if so why is or hasit been put there and for what reason ,could it be to watch planet earth or as a launch site to attack earth when we are least expecting it NOWplease be mindful of your language when replying and please put your answers on a postage stamp of which the size is irrelevant