Latest UFO sighting – A British stargazer has taken an amazing video of a UFO crossing the face of the sun. 1st February 2010.
Malcolm Park was taking a series of photos of the huge star through a specially filtered telescope when a strange object began to drift across it.
Malcolm, of South West London, said: “I was recording activity on the sun when I caught this strange encounter. It looks like an irregularly-shaped lump of rock and is clearly rotating very quickly.
“I wondered if what I captured was a piece of space junk or, with the way it was tumbling, a small asteroid.”
Malcolm said he had ruled out the possibility of a plane or a bird because of the strange shape and absence of any wings.
Robin Scagell, vice-president of the UK’s Society for Popular Astronomy, said: “This is a fascinating observation – and a genuine unidentified flying object as no one knows for sure what it is.
“My guess is that it might be a party deflated weather balloon high in the atmosphere – but we don’t really know.”
Mr Scagell warned that no one should attempt to look directly at the sun except with proper professional filters or risk being blinded.
Recent UFO sightings, new video footage, ovni, nlo, nlp, space.
February 14, 2010: February 17, 2010: Huge UFOs orbiting and flying around the Sun part 2 – link
February 17, 2010: Huge UFOs orbiting and flying around the Sun part 3 – link

they must be big man…
Maybe thats planet nibiru
The thing winks as it moving along is it tumbling?
a weather ballon again ? ya right ? why cant this guy just shut the F up ? this idiot should think before he opens his mouth and he is the scientist , … ya right !