Latest UFO sighting – Unknown light over Tallahassee, Florida recorded on Thursday – February 25, 2010 at 7:35 pm.
“Hard to miss this most amazing, bright saucer/disc which upon closer examination was a more like a shape altering – sphere/cube .
At 7:35PM, approached from the east, low to the roof tops and really glowed with intermittent lights. Was thrown off a bit at first, by low engine noise, not that of plane or helicopter but certainly of some type of engine. Very confident this is a UFO.”
Author – EYEtotheSKIE (source: mufon)
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Original footage
February 25, 2010, 7:35 PM, over the roof tops, from our quaint backyard in Tallahassee – Florida – USA. The eastern approach was slow and very low – noticed a few quick darts in between floating and lingering. That’s enough to set off the red flags these days. Before continuing forward, it hovered for a few seconds – just enough time to properly ready the camera.
Have filmed a number of UFOs – this one might be the most spectacular, the glow was amazing, the reveal a surprise.
As for the ‘Morphing’ – really not sure what is going on but viewed from different angles the craft seems to physically change. Better question to ask might be – How much of this craft can be seen at any given time versus how much remains ‘cloaked’ to the human eye?
Interesting fact: UFO produced a quiet, low hum – somewhat different from a plane or helicopter.
Have filmed a number of UFOs – this one might be the most spectacular, the glow was amazing, the reveal a surprise.
As for the ‘Morphing’ – really not sure what is going on but viewed from different angles the craft seems to physically change. Better question to ask might be – How much of this craft can be seen at any given time versus how much remains ‘cloaked’ to the human eye?
Interesting fact: UFO produced a quiet, low hum – somewhat different from a plane or helicopter.
MUFON is actively investigating the ongoing “UFO Phenomena” here in Southwood – Tallahassee – FL.
Used a Canon XL on miniDV.
All videos are in their original form and have not been manipulated in any way besides a crop here or there. There is no ‘trick’ photography of any kind, I shoot fast and simple or the shot will be missed. All original photo media cards and video discs and tapes are available for forensic examination.
*DISCLAIMER- We are not experts, just laymen with very strong opinions due to two years of intense research. However, it must be disclosed that this researched is conducted during the around-the-clock backyard outings required by our elderly Dachshund. Our clips are not intended to cause distress or upset anyone.
MUFON is actively investigating the ongoing “UFO Phenomena” here in Southwood – Tallahassee – FL.
Used a Canon XL on miniDV.
All videos are in their original form and have not been manipulated in any way besides a crop here or there. There is no ‘trick’ photography of any kind, I shoot fast and simple or the shot will be missed. All original photo media cards and video discs and tapes are available for forensic examination.
*DISCLAIMER- We are not experts, just laymen with very strong opinions due to two years of intense research. However, it must be disclosed that this researched is conducted during the around-the-clock backyard outings required by our elderly Dachshund. Our clips are not intended to cause distress or upset anyone.
Author (EYEtotheSKIE @ youtube)

I saw a UFO in Tallahassee, Florida while driving down Meridian Road. My friend was driving north down Meridian Rd. and I was sitting in the passengers seat. While looking out the window to my right I saw a triangle in the sky. It seemed to be hovering above what would be the southern end of Thomasville Rd. We almost stopped after I pointed it out to my friend and watched it for near a minute. It
Hey FatDaddy, I actually saw 2 blue lights coming across the Sky in 2010 sometime during February 19th. Around 11 or so 2 blue lights came across the sky over the Monroe street area headed south. Since that is the way to the airport I assumed that was what me and my friends were seeing. Then the lights slowed down and actually stopped in the middle of the sky, one right over the other. They then