Latest UFO sighting – Unknown lights in V-shaped position were seen by many witnesses and recorded over Destin, Florida on March 12, 2010.
Click on the photo to enlarge.
On March 12, 2010 my family and I witnessed what could possibly be the Phoenix Lights in Destin FL while resorting at the luau. Here are a few pictures and a video for proof. THIS IS NOT A HOAX NOR FLARES. We contacted the authorities and they said they had several phone calls and can’t figure out what the lights were.
Author – Mark D.
source: submitted to
LUS 2010, north America US, most recent UFO sighting report evidences.
Here are a few more pictures of the “Phoenix lights”. These were taken by Liz D. They are blurrier than the first one, but it shows the view of the city and water tower under the lights and shows how brightly they lit up the sky.
Click on the photos to enlarge.
This was the second time we saw the lights. After the row disappeared, these 2 appeared about 20 min later on the opposite side of the water tower shown in the previous photos. These photos were taken with a Nikon DX50 and the video was taken from a blackberry cell phone.

Destin is home to one of the largest Air Force Bases in the world. I believe this was a military exercise using flares.
If you do your homework you will find that on 1/01/2010 of this year from Naples to Canada sightings of Red Orbs were video taped along the coastline of the Atlantic. NY, VA, FL, and not one remark or news reel picked it up. U-Tube has one if you put Naples. I too video taped the same objects over Fort Myers. We must accept that other beings are visiting Earth and prepare, whether good or bad
Or maybe fireworks…
I was in Destin at the time of this. Me and 3 other friends saw this event and watched it for a good 15mins. There were ppl pulling off the road to watch. An there were so many more lines of lights than are depicted in these pictures. I thought flares too, but these lights are no where near as staggered as any i have seen. And it's true the Eglin AF base is close, but it is suppose to be
I was also in Destin when this happened! I saw the exact same thing you did. We were very scared. It was an amazing experience! We had friends coming from the opposite direction that we were coming from and they said they saw a helicopter fly up to the pattern of lights in the sky and then as soon as it got close to it, it did a U turn and flew away real fast!
flares dudes. You can even see the smoke.
I'm the witness, author, and photographer of these photos and this story. These were not flares. It is illegal to cast flares in areas with such population. Also the lights never fell or moved at all, just hovered and slowly dimmed in and out. There was also a loud bang min. before the lights. ALSO, this was seen on the anniversary of the pheonix lights, and was also seen at the same time in
The top photo is clearly flares. The smoke rising from the two lights on the left side of the photo is obvious.<br /><br />I once went chasing lights like these that I spotted across a vast field behind my house. From a distance I could not see the smoke. I drove for miles down back roads. As I got closer, the smoke became visible. There were about seven of these flares. I learned the next
I just witnessed the same light as in the pictures above. The only difference it was a single light. There was no sound at all. There were 2 planes passing one another and they must have seen it because they have been circling the area for the past 45 minutes. I just sent Okaloosa airport an email about what we just witnessed. We were at baytowne in sandestin resort when we witnessed this strange
Thank you very much for this Blogue im reading from Lisbon , Portugal and i belive, im certain about it….
I actually witnessed this from Panama City Beach. I was driving west down highway 98 along with many other vehicles that pulled off the road to observe this. The lights almost appeared a flares but were so bright that I just could not conceive that they were flares. They lasted about ten minutes and it was clear to see that they were a long way form Panama City Beach because the light actually
These are just those candles that you put in a paper bag and they float in he air like a hot air balloon. Me and my family made these while vacationing in Destin, Fl. and hey looked exactly like the first picture.
Probably some military experiment with flares. Probably some kid light up about 15 Chinese laterns with a 1,000 yards of string.