Latest UFO sightings – MSNBC TV news from 13th March 2010 about UFOs shows up in Cleveland, Ohio near Lake Erie for 10th straight night. Video includes interview with Eugene Erlikh and his footage.
Related posts: Lights over Lake Erie LINK
LUS 2010 – Most recent and new UFO sighting reports. Ovni evidences, evidence. Aliens or extraterrestrials or experimental military crafts?
Fox News: Nightly UFO Sightings Over Lake Erie

it's true lights are real..
The strange light is not just happening/appearing in clevland America, but I think it may possibly be happening globally… it's a shame and very typical of the government to cover up this story by removing video posts & news reports..<br /><br />It is all "REAL" and it is all "happening NOW" we are in the process of exposure, how much longer can darkness try to