Ok so this is really short but we freaked!! Just some mysterious lights we saw on top of our Utah mountains! I slowed down the video
My mom, cousin, and I were driving back home from the store and saw a huge bright light right over our (Ogden, Utah) mountains, so I parked my car by a school and we got off to see what we think was a UFO, if you look closely you can see a red/blue/green light in the middle flashing on the video, this lasted for about 5 min. and then the lights disapeared in the clouds (it was cloudy that day)
best experience of my life!
LUS 2010 – most recent UFO sighting reports and evidences. Real UFOs on net from North America, US. 4/1/10. Aliens debate forum, Greys. MIB, CIA.

i hope i'll see something too one day
Looks exactly like what I've seen. I live in Davis County.