11th May 2010 – Britain’s new conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron (photo), might trump U.S. politicians on a galactic scale. According to a 2009 report by BBC (link), “David Cameron has vowed to publish any secret files that may exist on UFOs if he becomes prime minister. Speaking at one of his regular Cameron Direct public meetings, he pledged to be ‘open and frank’ with any government knowledge about close encounters…”

‘He [Dr. Mitchell] spoke about the Roswell event in 1947 where wreckage of a downed UFO was recovered and found to contain alien bodies. He said this event was real but was covered up by the government for many years. Do you agree with me that the British people have a right to know if we have been visited, and if so, when you become prime minister will you seek to lift the veil of secrecy and give the public the truth that they deserve?’
“Mr Cameron replied: ‘…I think we should be as open as possible, so I would be quite happy to give you a guarantee that if I became prime minister I would always be entirely open and frank about these things. I don’t think any of us have any clue whether there’s intelligent life out there and it is certainly not something that any government should seek to hide from anyone.’
President Obama also promised to create more transparency in U.S. Government. Several key members of his administration are known to be in favor of being open and honest with the public about UFO files. Russia, France, UK, Brazil, and other countries are way ahead of the U.S. with such openness. But the U.S. President has yet to release suppressed files that former government whistleblowers say have denied Americans superior medical and clean energy technologies of extraterrestrial origin.
Campaign promises come and go faster than UFOs. But maybe Prime Minister Cameron will represent the honest and courageous side of humanity more than other politicians have so far.
Uniting the people and political parties will be a huge challenge. But it might be made easier if the new Prime Minister quickly released the UFO files and inspired a global, unified preparation for acknowledging and interacting with extraterrestrial intelligent civilizations.
He should consider creating a new Ministry of Extraterrestrial Affairs, with some of the same goals as the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission ballot initiative in Denver, Colorado.
By boldly going where no head of state has gone before, Cameron could launch an economic Renaissance to commercialize extraterrestrial technologies that would leave other politicians eating stardust.
source: www.examiner.com

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