Latest UFO sightings – Unknown daytime object was photographed over Colombia on 4th April 2010.
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I took a picture, and when I was reviewing the images, I found it.We were with four of my friends visiting some of the National Parks in Colombia called “Cańón del Chicamocha”, the second largest canyon in the world, after Colorado’s of course.We split into couples and walk different paths of the rally, then I found the best spot to take an automatic picture with mi girlfriend with the canyon as a background.I set the camera on AUTO, and it shot.When I was at home checking the printed results of my trip and the events on the holiday, I was surprised when I found something unusual on the picture my girlfriend and I took on the Canyon, there was a metal oval shaped objet very far from us (about 6 to 10 miles), right above the canyon, an object didn’t notice when we was there.I say metallic because there’s a silver shine on the upper side of the UFO.Is amazing the speed it should have, because I’ve taken pictures of moving objets before, like aircrafts or cars, even Race Cars (Over 300 Km/h or 180 mph) and it’ve never been ‘misty’ like this one.I hope you can give me some answers, ’cause at the moment no one can.Author (source: mufon)
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