Latest UFO sightings – Some kind of triangle-shaped UFO was recorded in the sky over Fort Worth, Dallas, Texas on Saturday, 22nd May 2010 at 10:19 pm.
[qouote] This video is an edit of the original posting with negative effects and greyscale effects to hopefully better show the triangle ufos. It is way past time for disclosure! Peace not War! Love not Hate! Love is the path to peace and prosperity. Namaste!Author (theyreoutthere @ youtube)
LUS 2010, most recent UFO sighting reports and evidences, proofs. Real UFOs on net from north America. New footage from 5/22/10

vois sanoa suurimaksiosaksi on amerikkalaisia lento härpäkeitä KUN EI esiinny muissa maissa KUN amerikkassa Tai naapurimaissa
That looked like a flying bat to me. Can't really tell though
i saw this!!! I live 1 hour north of Dallas and My Wife and I noticed it on new years day 2012 at 2am, its was huge and scary as heck, Im a Police Officer so I called the local airport and they said nothing was in the air at that time.