Latest UFO sightings – I found two questionable but very interesting daytime UFO videos from last week and I really want to know your oppinion on this matter.
Triangular UFO over Manchester? (Manchester, UK – Friday, 15th May 2010)
Saw this dark triangle object just hovering in the sky as I was on the way to a job, went to grab my camera but lost it behind buildings after about 2 minutes. UFO perhaps? This was last Friday around 1 :45pm driving on the Mancunaian way (A75) towards Salford, Manchester. Just want to know if there’s any explaination for this.
Author (YunCokHao @ youtube)
UFO Over Oceano? (Oceano, California – Saturday, 16th May 2010)
I filmed this on May 16, 2010 while we were driving our Jeep on the beach in Oceano, CA. I saw something out of place in the sky and pointed my camera at it. From there, it just looked like a weird cloud formation but after I saw the video, I could tell this was NOT a cloud. Could it be a blimp? And if so, what was it doing in Oceano? Did anyone else see this?
Author (murderedpotatoes @ youtube)

nice crack in window on car
This is not any thing from any where other than earth. Where are the real videos?
To the second vid, it's a flippin' blimp. DER. the girl is so dumb.
First video was fake the second look like a blimp but it did disappear pretty fast for a blimp