Latest UFO sightings – Unknown object was recorded hovering over nuclear reactor near Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, 8th May 2010. More info in the video.
Caught this while flying home to Chicago from DFW on 5/8/10. At around 6:23 pm CDT I notice a grey silouette hanging in the sky. I imediatelly took out my camera and first took photos then i took video. I believe it is the same UFO from the lighting strike. I have seen it numerous times now.Author (guttergawker@ youtube)

I looked out the window and filmed I didnt fake anything. I love that people think its fake. Ha.<br />Guttergawker
Thanks for sharing this. Look up @ the C's in the sky! They are real.
Its real you ding dongs I filmed it. Guttergawker. Goto my channel on you tube check it out. I dont need to fake shit.