Latest UFO sightings -This new footage was recorded near Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday, 27th June 2010.
Witness report: On Sunday, June 27th, 2010, as my girlfriend and I drove through the desert some 10 miles north of Phoenix, I noticed a bright light zooming alongside the road. It was interesting enough to warrant a picture so I quickly grabbed my camera from the backseat.
I don’t know why exactly, but I felt compelled to follow the light. I asked my girlfriend to turn the car around so we could get a closer look.
We pulled over on the side of the road so I could try for some better footage.
What happened next was truly remarkable to us. This bright, flashing, spinning object proceeded to put on a little demonstration for us before finally disappearing behind a mountain.
We guessed as to what it might have been, but we are still quite unsure as to what exactly the object was.
I am not a UFO conspiracy theorist. I don’t read UFO websites or frequent UFO meetings, but I cannot explain what I was able to film. It is, ultimately, an Unidentified Flying Object- until someone claims otherwise.
Author (thetopdocs @ youtube)
LUS 2010, most recent UFO reports, evidences and proofs. Real UFOs taken in northern America, The States, USA. news aliens 2012 apocalypse debate forum

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