Latest UFO sightings – Fast daytime UFO or Orb was recorded in the sky over Ottawa in Canada on Friday, 9th July 2010.
Witness report: I was just filming some clouds over the National Capital because they looked pretty… But on the 13th I started editing the footage when I noticed something strange, and with closer inspection I realized it was a UFO, and being a ufologist, I’m sure its a UFO, its too fast to be a bird or a plane, it glided thru the sky in 0.53 secondes!
Author (ThePyramidalReality @ youtube)

Shit, thats my aunt Jill on her new X-wing fighter.
the day of may 15 at about 10-30pm 2013 in Ottawa Ontario Canada at a tim hortons parking lot 5 people seen an ufo in the skys on marivall rd what it was we don't no but ill tell some thing we will not forget this never<br />