Off topic: 1000 posts

Hello readers!
So, this is the exact 1000 post on this site since the beginning in early November 2009. I didn’t think this site will become so successful in such a short time… there are more and more followers every day and almost 1/3 of the visitors return to this site again (and again).
You are welcome to join our Facebook page (link) and our Twitter follow page (link) and if you have a time, please join our Forum (link)…

I would like to thank everyone who reviewed and rated this site on, because of you is this one of the best rated paranormal sites there! And you are all welcome to rate & review our site in the future (you can do this right now”), just click on that little banner in the left side-bar. You can do this every day! Or if you have some special suggestions or questions for me, you can always send me an email at

We are listed at the website. Click here to vote for us.. Thank you :-) Reviews

2010-07-18 23:09:26
This is the best site I have found for research of ufo and other material that you need to know the trueth about. have no doubt they will publish it if they think its real or not you dedcide. I really enjoy this site and will continue to visit it as a faverite site.

2010-07-17 03:13:05
the best site ive seen the staff is frienldy too!!! the best thing is its world wide..

2010-07-06 20:19:19
I like the facebook link for this site… allows me to stay social and keep up with “activity.” There’s so much going on out there.

2010-06-29 21:02:40
awesome site with great up dates

2010-06-28 01:28:53
i liked eveything i saw and read and i hope you can send me e-mails on u.f.o updates

2010-06-24 14:26:05
best paranormal site ever *****

2010-06-23 22:01:17
Egypt ~ My son spotted a UFO out over the Med. Sea & there were reports of sightings in Sinai, as well (Tues.- June 22). In my search for any documented reports, I found this amazing site & will bookmark it; being able to ‘share’ the info is also GREAT! So far, we’ve not seen any reports on our sightings here.

2010-06-15 00:36:34
always lanterns and fakes on this site

2010-06-13 19:19:13
just remember the TRUTH is out there!!!

2010-06-03 03:06:51
wow information is great .

2010-06-03 00:52:16
No BS, just the observational facts… excellent dudes. Rock on.

2010-05-13 02:14:39
Informative. Just one comment however. Few things in life are black and white. Usually just varying shades of gray. So it probably is with the field of ufology. Some are just identifiable things which due to atmospheric or optical illusion become unidentified. Some are genuine ufo’s and maybe some are time travelers???

2010-05-06 08:01:03
Love this site!

2010-04-29 05:16:50
excellent site,informative,and great entertainment,keep it up,great work,my new favourite site.

2010-04-21 14:15:24
I don’t trust any of the night lights (to easy to fake). Daylight sightings are also fairly easy to flim-flam, but some of these photos look genuine.

2010-04-02 16:04:12
latest ufos hell YEAH!!!!!!!

2010-03-22 09:18:25
the Best ufo sightigns website!

2010-03-18 04:29:56
videos and explanations

2010-03-12 15:53:31
wonderful and the best ever

Thank you!

I’m working alone on this site / blog, so if it’s not a problem to you, you can support my cause by donating. Just click on this button – every little bit help.

Your opinion?
  • Fake (0)
  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)

1 Comment

  1. This site is well worth the visit. First time I turn on my laptop and open multiple tabs for work the first free tab I have is loaded with site. I continuously refresh the page to see if anything new is added.<br /><br />Keep up the good work guy&#39;s !!!!! First contact is hopefully around the corner 🙂

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