July 13, 2010 – Are UFOs real? 34 percent of Americans believe in them, according to Fox News.
Last week, flights were delayed for hours at Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China, when a mysterious glowing object appeared in the sky, leading many to believe they were looking at a UFO.
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More on China UFO (in English, CCTV report) @ Xiaoshan airport, Hangzhou – incl observers PIX + VDO

Fox News is full of crap. Numerous gallup poles have indicated that the percentage of Americans who believe in UFOs is more than double that number. It has also proven that the more educated you are, the more likely you are to believe in them bc you've reviewed the blatantly concrete evidence that is available, and come to your own conclusions (without the help of some naysayer who'll
Hangzhou's Chinese UFO?<br /><br />This happened 4 days ago, and all I can find is "UFO" sightings by local unreputable papers. (not that they are unreputable, but this needs to be covered by a major source.) Only ABC news is the major outlet that I found covering this event:<br /><br />http://abcnews.go.com/International/ufo-china-closes-airport-prompts-investigation/story?id=
Now (just in the last 24 hours!) there was an "Australian UFO" seen at a public show, which was covered by one of their news outlets. Reporter Annie Sanson reports for Nationwide News in Oz:<br />http://www.ntnews.com.au/article/2010/07/17/164731_ntnews.html<br /><br />No pictures, but several eyewitnesses. What's going on people? Mass Asian secret experiments…conspiracy