Latest UFO sightings – This photos were taken in France in July 2010 and submitted to our site.
Witness report: I have several photo with a potential case of ufo sighting:
(My camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ18.)
In 2009, i take several picture of sunset :
– the first (P1070109.JPG) is a sunset : you can see several point around the sun and when you zoom it seems like stars but i don t think it s stars and constellations but certainly satelitte or perhaps ufo ?
In july, 2010 11th: i made visit to a beautiful castle in France (town of Meillant)
– the second (P1110893.JPG) is placed near a castle in France (castle of Meillant) and at the right there is a special think like a rod (not a plane and not a bird) when you zoom on it, it s really similar as a ufo disk i ever see.
– the third (P110860.JPG) i take this photo and i realize that i have an orb and at the right of orb (with sun reflexion ?) but at right i have a spheric object (in zoom).. I don’t know if it is really ufo but it is really “bizarre” !
Author: Sylvain
source: submitted to
Click on the photos.

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