Witness report: (Recorded by Bill Roehling, 7-3-10 La Selva Beach California.) A False Star Orb UFO Increases in Size, Energy & Intensity as many of them do, to aknowaladge another Brother Orb UFO passing it, in the lower night Sky!
This particular night was loaded with these beautifully loving spiritual Entities
that were Interacting with each other and myself. These particular crafts were in no way satellites, i see satellites in the upper atmosohere, not down in the lower, mid or upper sky which is where i record these Entities that actually take off, from a fixed possision in the sky, as i always catch them on camera doing so, i left this part out to take an extra 2-minutes off this video. I do no use a Zoom on my “Gen3 Night Vision Goggles”!!!
This particular night was loaded with these beautifully loving spiritual Entities
that were Interacting with each other and myself. These particular crafts were in no way satellites, i see satellites in the upper atmosohere, not down in the lower, mid or upper sky which is where i record these Entities that actually take off, from a fixed possision in the sky, as i always catch them on camera doing so, i left this part out to take an extra 2-minutes off this video. I do no use a Zoom on my “Gen3 Night Vision Goggles”!!!
Author (sphericalwjr08800 @ youtube)
LUS 2010, most recent U.F.O. reports, evidences, proofs. Real UFOs on net from north America, The States over sea, water. New ovni footage.

Saw exactly the same thing tonight. We're intrigued to what it is. Do you have any answers?