Latest UFO sightings – Video of triangle UFO hovering in the night sky over Fresno in California. This footage was filmed today – Thursday, 22nd July 2010 at 1:20 am.
TR-3B tr3b lus 2010 most recent U.F.O. reports, evidences, proofs. Real UFOs on net from north America, CA USA. United States triangular new photographs.
TR-3B tr3b lus 2010 most recent U.F.O. reports, evidences, proofs. Real UFOs on net from north America, CA USA. United States triangular new photographs.

It's a CHP helicopter. It used to fly over my house every nght…<br /><br />I have photographed a number of triangular Objects in the skies for the past two years. <br />I have photographed one Triangle below the clouds at night. <br />I have photographed a few Triangles in the daytime. The last one shows movement using the clouds as a focal point.