Latest UFO sightings – Two linked UFOs were recorded over Tennessee, The States on Sunday, 4th of July 2010.
Witness report: Multiple red-orange spheres.
We were celebrating the 4th when we noticed these objects at different times, some were singles other multiples. Our digital cameras couldnt take good photos due to it being dark and a long shutter speed. These objects moved in different directions and flickered in and out. These were NOT fireworks OR airplanes/helicopter as I know the differences.
Author (source: mufon)
Independence Day; United States. LUS 2010, most recent U.F.O. reports, evidences, proofs. Real UFOs on net from northern America, USA, TN. New ovni footage.

For those that say its fake, there were many sighting across the US and even into Europe. I had some family admit they witnessed it in Ohio. With so many sightings with videos and pictures I believe it happened. No its not a spacecraft UFO bs. It is a mystery light / unindentified aeriel phenominon. There was very good National Geographic episode about them on tv.
I also had a sighting on the 4th of July around 9:30 ET near Charleston, WV. There were 8 orange round lights moving slowly across the sky. They appeared to be in two groups of four with one group slightly under and to the right of the first. They were moving south and there were 8 people that witnessed this along with myself. The sighting lasted aproximately 4-5 mins. and one at a time, the
My husband and I are astonished! We have seen the very same thing over in the Laurel Valley in Townsend, TN! We have both had separate sightings, mine being the first and we had witnesses with us! The last sighting was April 12th,2011. This confirms it for us. They hover like stars in the sky and I have witnessed them shooting straight down and then back to the same position. They just hang
I believe, especially after my daughter caught a phone on her cell phone of what appears (in no other terms) to be an space ship. Really weird and unexplainable. I was like WOH!!! No other way to justify what she caught on film one night while we were vacationing in Tennessee in the Mountains near Dollywood
I seen some kind of being on Dec. 25 2010. I was on my way back home with my girlfriend. The road had ice and snow on it. So we were going 25mph or slower. As we turned a curve I seen something in the dark. As my head lights hit the being it got down on its knees and had very long and skinny arms that it placed on the ground. The arms were around 3' in length. It was dark gray in color and
One night, I walked out in the back yard about 10:30 , and was standing there , when something caught my eye . As I looked up to see what it was , I see this "thing" that floating through the air , not making any noise , that was saucer shaped , and had lights on top and bottom . It flew lower than the tree tops and between two trees in my back yard . It was close enough that I could