Latest UFO sightings – Unknown object was recorded flying over Norway on Friday, 2nd July 2010.
Witness report: ufo in norway filmed with hd camera
i been investigating ufo phenomenon on internett for some time, and im thinking i dont look up at the sky eneugh, maybe 28-29 june i look out the window and i see a yellow/white orb flying across the sky i go out but i dont know where the camera is so i dont get a chance to film it.. then after that i made my camera ready in case it will show up again, and it did. couple of days later i filmed this
i been investigating ufo phenomenon on internett for some time, and im thinking i dont look up at the sky eneugh, maybe 28-29 june i look out the window and i see a yellow/white orb flying across the sky i go out but i dont know where the camera is so i dont get a chance to film it.. then after that i made my camera ready in case it will show up again, and it did. couple of days later i filmed this
Author (source: mufon)
LUS 2010, most recent U.F.O. reports, evidences, proofs. Real UFOs on net from EU Europe, nord. New ovni footage, aliens photos videos extraterrestrials. in the sky light.

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