Latest UFO sightings – Interesting new video of UFO activity (2 unknown lights) over Puttenham Common Nature Reserve in Surrey, UK on Saturday, 31st July 2010 at 10 pm.
Witness report: Filmed looking out from Puttenham Common, Surrey, UK towards the Winchester direction at 10pm 31/07/10.
Note, there is a radio mast in shot to the left which has a light on top of it…this can be used as a reference point.
The first object flies into view and away quite quickly, the largest object slowly descends after nearly 10 minutes of filming!
My partner watched this through high powered binoculars and told me that there were no navigation lights to be seen…I couldn’t detect any either on max zoom. The objects were different colours also.
Author (inexplicata @ youtube)
UFO video – most recent U.F.O. reports, evidences, proofs. LUS 2010, EU Europe.
UFO News – Real UFOs on net from England, United Kingdom. Ovni footage archive

I think (if you haven't already done so) please contact Richard D. Hall at Rich Planet. Channel 201. and collate all this info. Kind regards, Barbara. (Godalming)