Latest UFO sightings – Video of daytime UFO activity recorded over Paris, France on 24th June 2010 at 9 pm.
Witness report: Since I do not have time tofile a form or draw a diagram, you will find below the link to a short movie I’ve made (2 min) the 24th June 2010 in Paris, from my home.
It happens that caught by chance this phenomenon – it was first like spheres that were a “pearly” aspect and became objects to the appearance and vertical rectangular black light in the center spreading a white light flashing at random.
If you have questions about this case or an appropriate response, that interests me…
The voices you hear on the video are those of my daughter and myself .
I want to clarify that I am a director in movie industry but this video was made without any special effects.
I get the original copy anyway.
Author: Patrick L. (zakfishman @ youtube)
source: submitted to

Take a look (UFO landing July 3rd,<br />2010 near Wooton St Lawrence, UK) :<br /><br />via