Ancient UFOs with Jacques Vallee
Open Minds Radio
Tuesday, 9th November 2010
Jacques Vallée is a French-born venture capitalist, computer scientist, author, UFO researcher and former astronomer. He was a major proponent for the idea that UFOs were the result of highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations; however he eventually began to expand his views and now believes the explanation may be inter-dimensional in nature. Having been a prominent figure in UFO research he was the inspiration for the main character in Stephen Spielberg’s movie, Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Claude Lacombe. He has recently released his latest book, Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times.
Jacques F. Vallee serves as a General Partner of Euro-America, a Silicon Valley group that invests in North America and Europe, primarily in high-technology. He was born in France, where he received a B.S. in mathematics at the Sorbonne and an M.S. in astrophysics at Lille University. Coming to the U.S. as an astronomer at the University of Texas, where he co-developed the first computer-based map of Mars for NASA, Jacques later moved to Northwestern University where he received his Ph.D. in computer science. He went on to work at SRI International and the Institute for the Future, where he directed the project to build the world’s first network-based conferencing system as a Principal Investigator on Arpanet, the prototype for the Internet.
Note: All parts of the radio show are avaliable in this player!

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