UFO pictures 2011 – This is a screenshot from a webcam located in Washington DC taken on Monday, 14th February 2011.
Author’s report: I have been fascinated by UFO’s most of my adult life and was watching a couple of Washington DC cams over the weekend and captured these objects from different cams.
I have no idea what they are and I am by no means stating that they are UFO’s but I know there is a No-Fly Zone over the White House and nearby areas and wondering if anyone knows what these objects could be.
Note: These cams are refreshed every 10 to 15 mins so they represent only a moment in time.
source: mufon
Click on the picture to enlarge!

That is so crazy. That is certainly a no fly zone, I have seen the same cigar shape thing on NY cams too..
the tr-3b looks cigar shaped from the side view, apparently.
Um it's a picture…..could be anything, if there was video that it wasn't just some quick movement by a bug some light or so on I mean come on, I really dont take pictures of UFO's seriously just not enough to them and too much that could go wrong to explain…
Long exposure and distant plane.
Well the fact that it's a no fly zone doesn't mean government aircraft can't cross it… I can't tell for sure what that thing is, but it's certainly not a bird… Oh, wait, maybe a Phoenix… Naah, still UFO, I think.
As you know in 1561 there was a war over nuremburg Germany. It was between sphere balls of different colors. And cigar shaped crafts. I am sure you have seen the wooden carving made of it. You showed a picture of one of supposed 3 large mother ships behind pluto. Cigar shaped. Over the past few months we have had hoverings. All the same. Spheres. Now a picture of a sphere and a cigar over the
Yep ,long exposure see that on a bunch of web cam pictures.Mostly wast of time,but thanks anyway!