We already reported about this UFO sighting on our site (link: TV News: UFO was filmed over Utah, United States 26-Jan-2011), but it looks like there’s more in this story. After this UFO was filmed over Utah – military base was closed.
ABC News 4 report: The Dugway facility is under lockdown for a “serious concern in the test area.”
Official military’s explanation: temporary misplacement of a deadly nerve gas was the cause of the Dugway lockdown.
If any of you have more info, please leave a comment below!
Dugway has a long history of UFO activity, maybe it was closed due to a breakout of some sort and the 'lights' are Unidentified military aircraft.
not a mere coincidence. 2 media attentions on a subject issue not 30 miles apart on the same timeline. my question is this,<br />- what did they destroy? <br />- are they protecting us from cataclismic events? (zombie apocalypse…) <br />- can they see, or are they from our future?<br />food 4 thought.